There are many racists across color lines, so its not limited to either just black, or just white. Blacks in general, walk around with a huge chip on their shoulders, expecting that the entire world owes some big favor. Slavery is not in the past, its here right now, because many are slaves to limited mental capacity. Yes, whites do bear the brunt of days gone past..but where does it end? Blacks in Africa have been racial and tribalistically inhumane for years now, but most across the globe don't see that. Its the last line of defence in an excuse for any kind of wrongdoing,or inability to do right.
In absolutely any kind of debate, the minute you hit a nerve, and no pertinent, practical or defensive response is possible, you become 'A racist'
In this, lies the reason why no countries in Africa can progress to the state of modelling leaderships on doing right. Corruption, theft, manipulation, subversion and anarchy have reputations that precede themselves. The good, is overshadowed,and diminished by these overriding factors , so its not to say that no good happens , its merely that good things tend to take a back seat in the face of overwhelming poor ethics.
Theres no need to 'proudly trumpet' the discovery of black racists as if they're rare kinds of diamonds - they're actually to be found in abundance and proudly trumpet themselves in actions and deeds. Of course, you gotta stick with the can't move away from the catchphrases of 'poverty', 'slavery' and 'white oppression' because where would a black person be without those cushions to fall back on?
Trillions of $$ in aid to Africa have evaporated into nothing. It continues. Now that the aid has run out, the new stance is 'We dont need aid, we need investment' What prevented Africans building Africa over the last 100 years? Mental slavery,and non progressive behaviour.
If someone gives you 100 seeds, its possible for you to increase that by 10x with a little effort, and care , even if you have only limited education, because caring for plants, does not require rocket scientist mentality. If you throw those seeds onto a rock, and prefer to rather be a drunken sod , then you will have no seeds,and no food.
The story of Africa, is biting the hand that feeds, to fall into decay.
In general, racism is the hatred towards another being, not necessarily defined by color that comes from intellectual malnourishment, based on historical events, but with no intelligence or other supportive character traits to discern wrong, from right.
In absolutely any kind of debate, the minute you hit a nerve, and no pertinent, practical or defensive response is possible, you become 'A racist'

In this, lies the reason why no countries in Africa can progress to the state of modelling leaderships on doing right. Corruption, theft, manipulation, subversion and anarchy have reputations that precede themselves. The good, is overshadowed,and diminished by these overriding factors , so its not to say that no good happens , its merely that good things tend to take a back seat in the face of overwhelming poor ethics.
Theres no need to 'proudly trumpet' the discovery of black racists as if they're rare kinds of diamonds - they're actually to be found in abundance and proudly trumpet themselves in actions and deeds. Of course, you gotta stick with the can't move away from the catchphrases of 'poverty', 'slavery' and 'white oppression' because where would a black person be without those cushions to fall back on?
Trillions of $$ in aid to Africa have evaporated into nothing. It continues. Now that the aid has run out, the new stance is 'We dont need aid, we need investment' What prevented Africans building Africa over the last 100 years? Mental slavery,and non progressive behaviour.
If someone gives you 100 seeds, its possible for you to increase that by 10x with a little effort, and care , even if you have only limited education, because caring for plants, does not require rocket scientist mentality. If you throw those seeds onto a rock, and prefer to rather be a drunken sod , then you will have no seeds,and no food.
The story of Africa, is biting the hand that feeds, to fall into decay.
In general, racism is the hatred towards another being, not necessarily defined by color that comes from intellectual malnourishment, based on historical events, but with no intelligence or other supportive character traits to discern wrong, from right.