Henrietta the Plumber? Not so homeless as you thought...

Since when have I ever cared a wit about whether or not I'm in the minority? Do you think an idiot in the majority, is less of an idiot because most idiots agree with him? I have a saying I heard a long time ago... Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. Facts are never dependent on you being informed, or having the slightest clue what you are talking about.

Obama is a socialist, whether the majority of idiots, agrees or not. His support of failing socialist bailouts, pushing for socialist health care, passing of a broad socialist expansion of government, all make him a socialist. Moreover, he has openly supported inherently socialist ideals.

Now to a thinking individual, it doesn't take a 7th grade level education to determine that, given the wide ranging socialist views, he's likely a socialist.

Well put! If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck and walks like a duck....Sir, we have a duck!
What a prejudice, elitist, scummy response from the "tolerant" leftist here.

What awful thing did he do? He dared to ask a question to a presidential candidate? I thought you supported free speech?

You leftists are all alike. Some guy that barely made $40K last year, working hard and trying to start running his own business, and all he did was ask a question, and you turn into a horrible scum bag, calling him mentally challenged. You are not coming across too bright yourself.

Joe didn't need a license. Under Ohio code, one person, typically the owner of the business, needs to have a business license that covers all employees. The only time Joe will need a license himself, is if he does in fact buy out the business.

And his back taxes? He owed less than $1,200. Heck I owe $980 myself. Big whoopty frekin doo. Here's a guy with a wife and kids to support, and owe a whooping $1,200 in taxes.

You can spin Joe the tax cheat any way you like...but facts are facts....Joe was not a licensed plumber, meaning his name is and was a misnomer.

He also owed the state of Ohio back taxes, and just because you or anybody else owes back tax money does not make it okay. BTW, since you want to bring up Democrats owing taxes, what about the McCains owing 4 years of property taxes? Not exactly something you want to have surface during a campaign. Or we could talk about Palin pocketing some $17,000 in bogus per diem money.

As for Joe being mentally challenged...I don't think there's much doubt of that. I'm sure you've seen him interviewed, ignoring the obvious does not make it disappear.
You can spin Joe the tax cheat any way you like...but facts are facts....Joe was not a licensed plumber, meaning his name is and was a misnomer.

He also owed the state of Ohio back taxes, and just because you or anybody else owes back tax money does not make it okay. BTW, since you want to bring up Democrats owing taxes, what about the McCains owing 4 years of property taxes? Not exactly something you want to have surface during a campaign. Or we could talk about Palin pocketing some $17,000 in bogus per diem money.

As for Joe being mentally challenged...I don't think there's much doubt of that. I'm sure you've seen him interviewed, ignoring the obvious does not make it disappear.

You freakin' liberal, you have the gall to talk about back taxes, when your Messiah's head is full of tax cheats!

His book should have been called "Dreams of Appointing Tax Cheats"

You can spin Joe the tax cheat any way you like...but facts are facts....Joe was not a licensed plumber, meaning his name is and was a misnomer.

Yippy skip.... Joe worked as a plumber. That hasn't been denied. You are just nit picking on an irrelevant title given to him by McCain. That's not spin, that's reality. This is like arguing with a 10-year-old. Hey Popeye... grow up.

He also owed the state of Ohio back taxes, and just because you or anybody else owes back tax money does not make it okay. BTW, since you want to bring up Democrats owing taxes, what about the McCains owing 4 years of property taxes? Not exactly something you want to have surface during a campaign. Or we could talk about Palin pocketing some $17,000 in bogus per diem money.

I don't like McCain. McCain is a democrat. The fact he owes money too, just means he's qualified to be in Obama's cabinet. Yeah Palin owes money. That's peachy too. I'm sure she'll pay her debt as well.

Maybe you are missing a big point here... I don't like taxes. I don't support taxes. It is absolutely insane that a guy making only $40K with a family to support has to pay that much in taxes to begin with. I myself, only made $21K last year, and have to pay nearly 25% of that in taxes. That's nuts!

But Democrats are totally different. You love taxes. You support taxes. You glorify taxation! I'll give you just the most recent of literally hundreds of examples.

Paying taxes is patriotic! That's what your leaders claim. Yet who is missing out on being patriotic? Who is not being 'part of the team'? Who is not 'helping America out of the rut'?

You tell me, is it hypocritical to support higher taxes, and glorify paying taxes, and then not pay taxes? The right isn't supporting higher taxes. Palin does not support higher taxes. Joe the plumber, isn't supporting higher taxes. Obama, Dodd, McCain, Dashle, Killefer, Geithner all support higher taxes, but then don't pay them.

As for Joe being mentally challenged...I don't think there's much doubt of that. I'm sure you've seen him interviewed, ignoring the obvious does not make it disappear.

Really. Here I thought prejudice... where you pre judge someone without knowing all the facts, was something liberals hated. But hey... at least you are consistent with the hypocrisy of those you support.

One wonders if you would be in favor of prejudice against private citizens, if the mass media called you mentally challenged based the utterly stupid posts you put on this forum. And would you react so benignly if a republican was caught digging through your personal information, and leaking to the press about the things you've done.
You can spin Joe the tax cheat any way you like...but facts are facts....Joe was not a licensed plumber, meaning his name is and was a misnomer.

He also owed the state of Ohio back taxes, and just because you or anybody else owes back tax money does not make it okay. BTW, since you want to bring up Democrats owing taxes, what about the McCains owing 4 years of property taxes? Not exactly something you want to have surface during a campaign. Or we could talk about Palin pocketing some $17,000 in bogus per diem money.

As for Joe being mentally challenged...I don't think there's much doubt of that. I'm sure you've seen him interviewed, ignoring the obvious does not make it disappear.

Why are you making a big deal about paying taxes when multiple leaders, or proposed leaders, in the new admin failed to pay taxes of their own?

I say everyone should pay their taxes, but don't attack one and not the other.