Hello from Ireland

Not correct. My family and much of the Irish that immigrated from N. Ireland were NOT Catholic. So, Catholics were not the only ones having large families.

You might know that back then there was no birth control and no baby killing (abortion). Plus, they wanted large families to help with the difficult duties of operating a farm and living a difficult life full of difficult tasks. And, parents wanted lots of children so they could all help support them in old age.

I like most Americans, come from tough stock and am proud of it.

And, don't eat wheat. Its bad for you.

Ah now I was not aware of that , that may have been in Northern Ireland itself where there is a strong Protestant population. You have a good point there. Americans are good stock, a mix of every nation and every people :)

BTW Getting off wheat is a *****, eating more fruit now, bananas till they come outta me bleedin ears!
Not correct. My family and much of the Irish that immigrated from N. Ireland were NOT Catholic. So, Catholics were not the only ones having large families.

You might know that back then there was no birth control and no baby killing (abortion). Plus, they wanted large families to help with the difficult duties of operating a farm and living a difficult life full of difficult tasks. And, parents wanted lots of children so they could all help support them in old age.

I like most Americans, come from tough stock and am proud of it.

And, don't eat wheat. Its bad for you.

That be fruitful and multiply applied to all of Christendom. But it was just a good idea in an agrarian economy.
What happened? Do you know?

I dont know why he got banned, he was only here one day and I read all his posts, they were all great and funny and he was polite

He did link to another forum and that is a no no but just letting him know that should have been good enough, he probably didn't know that rule but that is the only thing I can come up with.

I miss him already, he would have been a great addition to the forum :(