Hello Conservative Friends.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Butte Mt.
Don`t get me started. This election is crucial to our country remaining. a free democracy as we know it. Just the thought of electing someone like
obama with absolutely no experience at all and his connections with
terrorists makes me really ponder on how many f*^&*# idiots are in this
country. We know where the majority of the black vote will go, just because of race. You can`t just watch a commercial and say OK. YOU HAVE TO
RESEARCH. I learned many years ago, that The Democrats Stand On Four
Pillars: ( Socialism, Homosexuality, Immigration and Taxation )
S. H. I. T.

Thanks for reading, and Don`t Get Me Started. Rushhannity
Don`t get me started. This election is crucial to our country remaining. a free democracy as we know it. Just the thought of electing someone like
obama with absolutely no experience at all and his connections with
terrorists makes me really ponder on how many f*^&*# idiots are in this
country. We know where the majority of the black vote will go, just because of race. You can`t just watch a commercial and say OK. YOU HAVE TO
RESEARCH. I learned many years ago, that The Democrats Stand On Four
Pillars: ( Socialism, Homosexuality, Immigration and Taxation )
S. H. I. T.

Thanks for reading, and Don`t Get Me Started. Rushhannity

dont forget abortion, they have this thing for abortion

hey can you at least make your middle name glenn beck :) he is my fav

just be ready to be called racist and war monger and hmm what else do we get called when we dont bow to "the one"
why not call him what he is
my guess is capitolist

i dont mind calling communists communints and socialists socialist
and the godless godless

and i dont mind when people call me conservative or capitolist or right wing
because I am that, and I am proud of that

one of the most sad things about liberals socialists communists are they are ashamed of what they are and try to change the wording

today call me progressive, when that sounds stinky call me.. what ever new name they will come up with

they are like DHS or CSD or what ever name they are going by these days, ashamed of what they are
Say what you feel, I can take it. You are Irish I take it?. I can relate to you there, but how did you become so misinformed on the issues.? Sounds like you got caught up in the liberal brainwash. Explain Please....Rushhannity

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