Having the "jury foreman" also serve as "executioner", is that fair?

Could I be so vain to think this song is about me?

That is really cute :)

Where your ears burning?

Bunz, what do you think of dogs idea? Mods have mod accounts that no one knows what mod is who... all the same, mod1 mod2 exc
(with the cute white faces of course)
and your bunz account for posting like you did before you were mod

Do you think that would help? be too much work?

I think it sounds cool and I would be intimidated by the scary face
Could I be so vain to think this song is about me?

Hmmmm,your conscious must be talking to you or you have the Obama Syndrome, thinking everything is about you, either way you are correct!
Why , out of all the "moderators" , you are the only one who saw yourself in the post? A conscious is GODS' gift allowing man to realize his failures.We all have our shortcomings, yes, even "Always". I will work to overcome mine, will you?