Has America gone "Looney Tunes"?

Yeah....He's done such a great job, at providing "conservative"-style health care!!


(Keep workin' on that revised Users Manual, though....)​

AH, Of course one whom does not believe would not realize " GOD IS OUR HEALTHCARE!", without GOD we are lost in a sick world! Do you really think "obamacare" is superior too our CREATOR? How totally lost can one be? But do not surrender there is still a road leading to GOD for EVERYONE whom seeks , he will find! Even without a GBO false estimate of any cost!lol
Can America be returned to sanity ? If we have any chance at all it will only be with the HELP of GOD.

Yeah....He's done such a great job, at providing "conservative"-style health care!!


(Keep workin' on that revised Users Manual, though....)

AH, Of course one whom does not believe would not realize " GOD IS OUR HEALTHCARE!", without GOD we are lost in a sick world! Do you really think "obamacare" is superior too our CREATOR?
That'd be "....to our Creator."

Well, If one looks at the choices we have made for President in just the period from 1992 to 2008, 16 years ,it does show we must be mentally unstable or grossly ignorant as to both our Constitution and our nation's course. For example,in 1992 we elected a sexual pervert , one who showed all signs of being so. His total disrespect of women was shown in his actions time and time again.His activities as Governor of Arkansas was hardly an endorsement for being President .But as with Obama , a biased national news media for the most part covered for him but even so due to his ignorance and the volume of his offenses some made headlines.Then his media would , say "Oh, everybody does that" lol,lol