Harris has a job opening if she wins

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes indeed you can make big bucks working for back door Harris .

The job will have great benefits
excellent pay
best health care and life insurance you can have
retirement 401 k
All the overtime you can stand
and much more
Your job will be to confiscate the semi auto rifles Giggles has promised to do in here first 100 day.
If her buy back program fails ( and it will fail just like her job as at the border ) you will be tasked to go out and confiscate guns from your Fellow America who had refused to give them up.

She has said she will ban certain guns there are about 20 million ar 15s in America 13 million ak type rifles and a untold amount of tavors sks m14 mini 14 and m1 many other brands so add in another 7 million just to make a guess.

I think this would be a great job for our liberal posters here ,
And it should be a long term job to boot, as 42percent of American homes have guns .
I do understand they have the absolute best health and life insurance available .
Do you think the liberal knobs will figure out you punish the criminal severely for gun crimes and eave the peaceful gun owners alone.
Maybe they will one day learn that , light sentencing results in more crimes some people have been arrested so many times its amazing .
Any ban on firearms will concentrate on selling new guns, not on confiscation of guns already owned and registered. And of course, Congress will need to pas the law, the president cannot therefore and will not decree a ban on guns.
Any ban on firearms will concentrate on selling new guns, not on confiscation of guns already owned and registered. And of course, Congress will need to pas the law, the president cannot therefore and will not decree a ban on guns.
Wrong ***** you have not listened to her. She has openly said she will not only ban new sales but institute a mandatory buy back plan.your so out of touch and stupid lug nut and you claim to have a phd

Harris has a job opening if she wins​

No....we don't want Vance, either.

CLAIM: Democratic U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris once said that if elected president, she would issue an executive order to send police to the homes of anyone who did not surrender their guns.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Social media posts circulating recently don’t accurately convey what Harris said. She said if elected president, she would wait 100 days for Congress to enact reasonable gun safety laws and if they failed to do so, she would take executive action. Harris clarified that her intention was not to confiscate legally owned guns.
Wrong ***** you have not listened to her. She has openly said she will not only ban new sales but institute a mandatory buy back plan.your so out of touch and stupid lug nut and you claim to have a phd
Wait and see what laws get written. And what is wrong with a buy back plan?

I don't think that beliefs about gun control are a requirement for any PhD.

There is no question that there are too many guns in the hands of crazy people in this country. I suppose you enjoy seeing gun nuts plink at schoolchildren, partygoers and WalMart shoppers.
Wait and see what laws get written. And what is wrong with a buy back plan?

I don't think that beliefs about gun control are a requirement for any PhD.

There is no question that there are too many guns in the hands of crazy people in this country. I suppose you enjoy seeing gun nuts plink at schoolchildren, partygoers and WalMart shoppers.
guns do not commit the crime you pin head people do it guns are just objects they have no mind of there own .
Wait and see what laws get written. And what is wrong with a buy back plan?

I don't think that beliefs about gun control are a requirement for any PhD.

There is no question that there are too many guns in the hands of crazy people in this country. I suppose you enjoy seeing gun nuts plink at schoolchildren, partygoers and WalMart shoppers.
guns do not commit the crime you pin head people do it guns are just objects they have no mind of there own .

As you notice the liberals do not want to talk about overdoses deaths https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2021/20211117.htm so I guess using lug nuts way there are way to many dying from drug overdoses when should ban them that would solve the problem.

Whats wrong with a buy back program you say lug nut , well well who determines the value of a gun or its modifications and what happens when the mandatory buy back fails and people do not turn them in. Also what about all the spare parts people keep for their guns And who wil pay for al the ammo I have for my ar 15 I have several thousand rounds .

The median cost of a assault rifle low end cheap is about 800 bucks you couldn't touch one of mine for that . The optics On my 3 ar 15 would cost another 3 grand . At any rate I would get screwed and never be paid what I should and frankly fuck here I do not want to seel my guns to a government I especially want to see people like you and lug nut and Boris sent out to do the job You wouldn't last a day
Your all cowards at heat and anti america .