Hamas beheading baby's

Notice how hard it was to get lug nut there admit Hamas are terrorists. It had the be shamed out of him. I wonder if lug nut still supports the squad . More then likely . Thus supporting hamas
Notice how hard it was to get lug nut there admit Hamas are terrorists. It had the be shamed out of him. I wonder if lug nut still supports the squad . More then likely . Thus supporting hamas
hard? it wasn't hard at all. its not like you asked me 50 times and I refused to asswer. duh.
yiou're a legend in yoiur own mind. lol
Hamas did evil things
Happy now?
With Muslim morons when Israel defends itself against terrorism, they do "evil things" but when Muslims commit horrific mass murders, they refer to the Muslim acts of terrorism as just "some things committed by some people."

‘Some people did something’: Rep. Omar’s remarks in context​


Analysis by Glenn Kessler
The Fact Checker
April 11, 2019 at 3:00 a.m. EDT

The remarks of the freshman member of Congress during an address to a Muslim rights organization spawned controversy, but it was just a snippet. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post, Photo: Atthar Mirza/The Washington Post)

“CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

— Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), in remarks to a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet, Woodland Hills, Calif., March 23, 2019

Omar’s 20-minute address was broadcast live (even on Fox News online) when she gave it, but it suddenly became a thing after this tweet by Mohammad Tawhidi, a controversial Australian who calls himself the “imam of peace:”

Ilhan Omar mentions 9/11 and does not consider it a terrorist attack on the USA by terrorists, instead she refers to it as “Some people did something”, then she goes on to justify the establishment of a terrorist organization (CAIR) on US soil. pic.twitter.com/ixP3BJfqxS
— Imam Mohamad Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) April 9, 2019
This tweet in turn received a retweet from a fellow member of Congress:
With Muslim morons when Israel defends itself against terrorism, they do "evil things" but when Muslims commit horrific mass murders, they refer to the Muslim acts of terrorism as just "some things committed by some people."

‘Some people did something’: Rep. Omar’s remarks in context​


Analysis by Glenn Kessler
The Fact Checker
April 11, 2019 at 3:00 a.m. EDT

The remarks of the freshman member of Congress during an address to a Muslim rights organization spawned controversy, but it was just a snippet. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post, Photo: Atthar Mirza/The Washington Post)

“CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

— Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), in remarks to a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet, Woodland Hills, Calif., March 23, 2019

Omar’s 20-minute address was broadcast live (even on Fox News online) when she gave it, but it suddenly became a thing after this tweet by Mohammad Tawhidi, a controversial Australian who calls himself the “imam of peace:”

This tweet in turn received a retweet from a fellow member of Congress:

not sure why you replied to my post with this cut and paste.
no humanitarian aid to gaza? I don't 'admit" that because unlike you, i love humans, not just americans
Before we send any more aid money to Gaza we need to root out the gangsters there who are stealing that aid money to build weapons of mass destruction to use against Israeli women and children.
I support 8nnocent people not dying. You think everyone in Gaza is hamas? Maybe you are that stupid
When mass murdering monsters hide behind women and children there will likely be collateral damage as good people bring the barbarian savages to justice.
Notice how hard it was to get lug nut there admit Hamas are terrorists
Lefties hate to address crimes of terrorist lefties as "terrorism."



Poof the terror shooting at Ft Hood, done by a Muslim terrorist, now a workplace shooting, soldiers killed and wounded get no benefits.
Victims of the Nov. 2009 Ft. Hood shooting are being denied benefits commensurate with combat injuries because the Obama administration refuses to label the attack an act of terrorism. Instead, the shooting Maj. Nidal Hasan carried out after screaming “Allahu Akbar” it is still being labeled “workplace violence.” The difference between labeling the incident “workplace violence” and “terrorism” is not only the rightful recognition 13 of our troops deserve for being killed in service to their country on Nov. 5, 2009, but also ongoing benefits that would help survivors pay for the physical therapy, and other medical and psychological treatments that might be necessary to a full recovery. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has openly stated that the shooting, which took place in his state, was an act of terrorism and that the president such recognize it as such. He said, “President Obama’s refusal to call it an act of terror is a shining example of this administration’s devotion to political correctness over the defense of our men and women in uniform.”
Read more at breitbart.com