Guy Insults Bush on Live Television


This is quite stunning to see.. I would love seeing the rest of this!!

Anyone else have any vids like this (Or maybe this whole conference) where someone stood up and spoke against him?

That was great. Its great the guy was given the right to say how he feels even if he was a retarded jack ass. Its really extra great the way President Bush handled it. He didnt pout and fit through like obama or send his goon squad out to tear the guy apart in every way a government is able. This was a while back I take it and I am only first hearing about it so the guy was not blasted by right wingers like anyone who dares to speak against obama is.

A great example of how a president should handle someone who just doesnt like them.

Every thing this guy said with his insults to President Bush, I feel that exact same way about the lying sack of crap currently playing president. The difference is I am called a racist for my feelings and he isnt :)
Odd how he was pretty calm and made his point, yet never was screaming nazi Fascist, saying Bush was a illegal Alien, lying about his religion, and all that...he pointed out real, actual issues....

Kodos to Bush for actul telling the croud to let him finish...Of course today you cant even have a woman with 2 life threating illnesses talk about health care with out the croud booing her out...
Odd how he was pretty calm and made his point, yet never was screaming nazi Fascist, saying Bush was a illegal Alien, lying about his religion, and all that...he pointed out real, actual issues....

Kodos to Bush for actul telling the croud to let him finish...Of course today you cant even have a woman with 2 life threating illnesses talk about health care with out the croud booing her out...

This guy didnt say nazi fascist but many on the left did and do call him a nazi fascist

President Bush never hid his kindergarten records or any other records for that matter. Its very easy to see where you are born when you dont have all your records from kindergarten on sealed :)

Those who hate the LSOC have real issues too, they just dont matter to you so they just dont matter period.