Guy faints on nut job Glenn Beck's show


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Here's David Buckner, professor of organizational leadership at Columbia University, passing out on the Glenn Beck show yesterday on Faux News.

I'm not sure whether it was part of the show, Beck has been known to over dramatize things and just make up outright lies, but nevertheless it's funny stuff.. Hey, I wonder if this Buckner fellow is a teabagger?

Here's David Buckner, professor of organizational leadership at Columbia University, passing out on the Glenn Beck show yesterday on Faux News.

I'm not sure whether it was part of the show, Beck has been known to over dramatize things and just make up outright lies, but nevertheless it's funny stuff.. Hey, I wonder if this Buckner fellow is a teabagger?

Do you actually attach some significance to this incident?:confused:
Oh just come up with something stupid, (easily found), that a black preacher spewed, and he'll mysteriously pretend it didn't happen, or defend it, and come up with something that supports his view. It's a trademark. Not commanding a lot of respect, but being very capable of whining about it. That's something that we can count on never changing.
Here's David Buckner, professor of organizational leadership at Columbia University, passing out on the Glenn Beck show yesterday on Faux News.

I'm not sure whether it was part of the show, Beck has been known to over dramatize things and just make up outright lies, but nevertheless it's funny stuff.. Hey, I wonder if this Buckner fellow is a teabagger?

it was very clearly not a stunt...and your a complete idiot if you think its funny. Not sure when a guys health issue became funny really..I am just glad the guy is OK. But again, thanks for making the left look dumb...haveing to listen to beck's mindless droning then your mindless post....Beck looked like a guy concerned about someone...point look like your just trying to cheap shop Beck and the Right with nothing, and minamizing a guys health. So if your goal was to look like a idiot, and make Beck look win. You sure your liberal and not just trying to make them look bad?

Beck is a Idiot still...just wanted to add that.
Here's David Buckner, professor of organizational leadership at Columbia University, passing out on the Glenn Beck show yesterday on Faux News.

I'm not sure whether it was part of the show, Beck has been known to over dramatize things and just make up outright lies, but nevertheless it's funny stuff.. Hey, I wonder if this Buckner fellow is a teabagger?

His son was sick with the flu the night before, he thought he was ok but started feeling sick during the show.

Beck called him later that night and he was much better and kept saying he was so sorry for ruining the show.
I think Beck handled himself as good as could be expected. I dont agree with much of what he says, but he did the right thing.

We might have an issue if when the guy fell down that Glenn Beck dumped tea bags on him, now that would be a story.
it was very clearly not a stunt...and your a complete idiot if you think its funny.
Clearly you still have some Liberalism left in you as you are exhibiting compassion. Point for you...

You sure your liberal and not just trying to make them look bad?
Popeye is no Liberal... He's a "Progressive", his total lack of compassion for anyone not sharing his "Progressive" ideology is a dead give away.

Beck is a Idiot still...
ohhh. lost a point. LOL at least you broke even. :)
Clearly you still have some Liberalism left in you as you are exhibiting compassion. Point for you...

Popeye is no Liberal... He's a "Progressive", his total lack of compassion for anyone not sharing his "Progressive" ideology is a dead give away.

ohhh. lost a point. LOL at least you broke even. :)

I was not aware my liberalism was in question ever lol

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