Guess who voted against ratification of Sweden and Finland’s applications for NATO membership

The U.S. House of Representatives has voted for the ratification of Sweden and Finland’s applications for NATO membership.

394 votes for and 18 against.

All 18 No votes came from Republicans - some pretty familiar names (Gaetz, Greene). Republicans who support Putin & Russia.

Well, that was the "what."

Perhaps now you can tell us the "why" ?

Nevermind, allow me to give everyone the "why"?

America has always paid for NATO and we are sick and tired of it. For decades we have footed the bill for Europe's defense. While those countries spend their money on nice trains and infrastructure and stuff, our tax dollars pay both our share and their share of NATO bills.

Americans like me say, F*CK EUROPE, let the wine swilling bastards pat for their own defense.

And what would these two new nation mean for us? It would mean us spending even more on NATO to cover their expense.

Finland and Sweden want to join NATO because of the Russian Bear. (Maybe Obama should tell them their foreign policy is stuck in the 80's like he told Romney, but lets save that for another day.) That is entirely understandable given their location and security needs. But America’s biggest threat no longer looms over Europe.

U.S. resources are not unlimited. Already we spend the better part of a trillion dollars a year on defense. And our manpower is already stretched thin across the globe. We need to prioritize US defense resources for the China effort while there is still time. Rebuilding a Navy takes time.

Until Europe starts making the necessary commitments to their own national defense, Americans should not spend another penny there.

That is why Gaetz and Greene did the right thing.

Oh, and by the way: Saying that Republicans Putin & Russia is a filthy, disgusting lie, and well as ignorant and dumb.
Reading over the thread my biggest complaint to the OP started by Walter was that he never defended his point. Never even tried. He just wants to bash republicans even though they voted 179-18 in support and it was a republican who sponsored the bill.

He never told us why he thinks it is so essential that those 2 countries join NATO now vs say 40 years ago when the threat to them was much bigger.

He never explained why it is so essential that American politicians endorse those 2 counties joining.
Reading over the thread my biggest complaint to the OP started by Walter was that he never defended his point. Never even tried . . . . .

They do not try because they cannot. They promote garbage polices, and when confronted they try to smear and destroy all opposition. That is their MO.

That, by the way, is why the Left is seething over Musk bringing back free speech to Twitter.

My post #66 explains why the 18 republicans were correct.
Interesting that those 2 countries saw no reason to join NATO during the cold war when Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were part of the Soviet union and Poland was part of the Soviet alliance. Now all of those 4 countries are part of NATO. So why now?

There is also the European union now which makes NATO less essential for countries like that.
Note that I started a companion thread on Germany and how they have not done shit to help Ukraine and do not seem all that concerned about Putin as a threat since military spending there has not ramped up.

When is Germany going to act like a leader, like a great country?

Note that Walter never responded to that thread. He is too busy slandering republicans and being a whore for the democrat party.
It looks like Putin is using what he does not like about NATO to justify his invasion of Ukraine.

The Real Reasons Putin Feels Threatened by NATO - The Bulwark
The Real Reasons Putin Feels Threatened by NATO

Here’s what was missed by the foreign policy ‘realists’ who made the case against enlarging the alliance.

FEBRUARY 25, 2022 5:30 AM

The most prominent pretext Vladimir Putin has used for his full-scale invasion of Ukraine is the NATO membership promised to Ukraine and Georgia in 2008. Putin has said again and again that NATO is a threat to Russia, and demanded, in December and again in his pre-war ultimatum this week, that the alliance roll back its troops to where they were in 1997, two years before NATO expanded to Central Europe. In this, he is in a way supported by some respected American foreign policy commentators—Tom Friedman, John Mearsheimer, and others—who have dusted off their mid-’90s realist arguments against enlarging NATO, and are claiming vindication today. To support his case, Friedman recently referenced the late George Kennan’s well-known opposition to accepting new members into the alliance, quoting things Kennan told him back in 1998. None of these critics, of course, approves of Russia’s aggression, but there is an I-told-you-so element to their argument.