greetings comrades


Mar 22, 2009
I am very frightened in this scary place when I am first time posting introduction to you. Many things are wishing to come out and be said from my thinkings. May this be fruit-filled and happy for us all!
I love you guys,
I am very frightened in this scary place when I am first time posting introduction to you. Many things are wishing to come out and be said from my thinkings. May this be fruit-filled and happy for us all!
I love you guys,


Dont be afraid to say what is on your mind.

1/3 of us will love it and agree
1/3 of us will hate it and think you are (enter bad word here)
1/3 of us will ????

Just like every one else here :)

so what is on your mind??
I just spent two hours composing a materpiece on the third party debate. As I was posting this jewel and awaiting perhaps overwhelming response or at least a nomination to high office, the computer ate my paper. I swear, teacher. It is gone. I cannot find it. I want it for my archives, if nothing else. I am sad. I am frustrated. I just started and now I don't wanna do this no more. See, I told you I was frightened and this was scary. Whanh! Doggonit! I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And the computer hates me.
I love you guys
I just spent two hours composing a materpiece on the third party debate. As I was posting this jewel and awaiting perhaps overwhelming response or at least a nomination to high office, the computer ate my paper. I swear, teacher. It is gone. I cannot find it. I want it for my archives, if nothing else. I am sad. I am frustrated. I just started and now I don't wanna do this no more. See, I told you I was frightened and this was scary. Whanh! Doggonit! I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And the computer hates me.
I love you guys

are you a third party person? if so I did a research project on third parties in MN politics in college, I was going to post it on here, but its over 30 pages long lol
I am not a sold out third party believer yet. I am very desirous to see the existing party formally announce its merger, change its name to Demolicans, and make way for the people to have at least one more party. That way we'll have at least two with one of them viable.
I'm also new to the forum, and I got a message suggesting that I introduce myself. I'm mainly here to discuss and talk about the events of the day, and the direction of our country.
do that and it will just realign with the same 2 parties with new names. we need a third middle/moderate option.

I get the impression that you think the third party is the answer and that somehow it will not be corruptible and will bettter serve all our interests. That may or may not be so. Yet at the core of your desire is our common interest. I don't care if it's two or five, there is nothing lucky about three! We do need moderation. The main thrust is that our current "two-party" system is a hoax and needs to be dismantled. We would be better served by an omnipotent despot than what we are getting now. If we expect the third party to represent us better than we are currently being represented, I really don't know if your third party is fer me or agin me. If it is the least of three evils, I say, "No thank you."
I believe we want the same thing however, and that is a government which is "of the people, by the people, for the people." As it stands, corporations are people too and they are representing us way "better" than we are. Your third party and my third party may not be the same. My party will strive to be certain that your "third party" not only exists in name, but actually is gauranteed to have a viable part in the process of governing.
If I am elected, as a representatve of the people I pledge to read all the polls and, without bias, promptly throw them away and then do the right thing. I think what YOU have to say is at least as important as Citizen Enron, AIG, or GM. It's the individual citizen of this country who actually is too big to fail. When we enshrine and exalt wealth, influence, power, profit, and other such mundane enterprise, granting it entity status, we have truly become worshippers of base idols. We have made the profane holy and have debased the nobility of the individual when we call our misguided pursuit of empire and prosperity "TOO BIG". When something we do is confused with something we are, the small has become far too large and the large, too small. Both are destined to fail. It's the people, man, the people! I believe in you; you are too small to fail! So get out there and be big, you little knucklehead you!
I'm also new to the forum, and I got a message suggesting that I introduce myself. I'm mainly here to discuss and talk about the events of the day, and the direction of our country.

Greetings oh GREAT RON! Did you mean the events like weather and police blotter? Direction... as in South? Weh_heh_helllllllllllllllllllllcome to cyberspace dear Magnus. Enter at your own risk, and oh, yes...caveat blogtor!

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