the annoying thing
Well-Known Member
Why have you never expressed concern for the women and baby's the people from Gaza butchered..and all of those pagers went to terrorists groups .I am sad for the 8 year old kid
God you are stupid
Why was she close to one and who's fault is that
You have expressed your dislike of Jews several times but never do I recall you expressing and feeling about the Oct 7 attack.
Why is that lug nut .
Hezbollah, Iran and Hamas are responsible for many American deaths and terrorist attacks.
I think the Mossad was one of the best spy and intelligent networks in the world they know the nations existence could depend on them .
You have no clue what they just
accomplished. They have not only killed Member of terrorists groups they crippled a bunch and put fear in them .they interrupted their ability that communicate for a long time. But especially right now. I wonder if your smart enough to know why.