Great news out of Lebanon

Is Judaism a religion or a nationality? They have been arguing about this for centuries.
It is clearly the religion of some people, and the official religion of Israel. But obviously, DNA does not indicate that all Jews share the same chromosomes. At one time, a Central Asian tribe moved into the area north of Turkey called the Kazars, and they found themselves between the Russian Orthodox in the north and the Muslims in the South and did not chose to join either, so they became Jews.

There is a good book about this called "The Thirteenth Tribe" which explains the origin of what are known as the Ashkenazim, which are what the Kazars became. But Jews have a caste system, in which there are three castes: the Kohanim, ( Cohens or priests), the Levites, the Cantors and other temple assistants and the commoners, knows as Israel. Hence the name chosen for the Jewish State was Israel and not Judeah.

There were originally Twelve Tribes, named for the sons of Jacob, who was also known as Israel.
Can you guess where the name Israel came from? Who is Ra? Who is El? Why Ra is the Egyptian sun god, and El is one of many words for the Hebrew god.

The Jews were supposedly descended from Abraham, who lived in what is now part of Saudi Arabia. But much of the lore fund in the Bible seems to have its origin in Egypt.

Just google the words "Twelve Tribes of Israel". Ten Tribes were conquered and spirited away by the Assyrians. The remaining two were known as Judeans, from the name Judah. It's rather complicated, so look it up.

The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler is a rather interesting book, I recommend it.