Fair enough, I shouldnt have made that assumption.That's not true. There are, or have been, a few democrats I would have supported. The problem is, they never run for president. The only democrats that seem to run for president support socialist policies. Socialism, or course, always fails. So I generally don't support democrats.
I think the latest assumption is that the reactor is down for now, but that does not change the fact they have a nuclear arsenal, and have successfully tested a nuclear weapon. But what I find hard to digest is the statement in bold.I was under the impression that NKorea finely shut down their reactor, and destroyed most of the facility? Otherwise, I could possibly be convinced military action against NKorea would be required. I well placed cruise missile should be sufficient.
You are highly critical of Clinton for going in half cocked etc etc etc...now you claim that 1 well placed cruise missle will do the job. Andy, at least be consistent in your argument.
Well you seem to think that 1 missile will do the trick in NK, but Clinton was criticised on two fronts by the GOP, one faction said that it wasnt enough ,the other part said it was nothing but a distraction from the Lewinsky scandal.That quote didn't apply to the topic at hand. I don't remember being in all sorts of twists. In fact I remember a number of popular conservatives being for it, provided that Clinton didn't just lamely fire a few missiles, and think that was going to stop Saddam.
Clinton didnt go in, Daddy Bush did. In regards to America looking weak, not sure how you come to that conclusion. But I guess it is a matter of perception.Clinton wasn't criticized for simply getting out, he was criticized for going in half-***ed, and then running at the first sign of trouble. It reminds me of the bully on the playground that acts all tough till someone stands up to him, and then he runs squealing.
That's what Clinton was criticized for. He wouldn't go all out, but he also wouldn't stay in the fight. He made America look weak.
No, I am not saying that. You asked why we were in Somalia, and I said the justification for that action was humanitarian, but really you would need to talk to Daddy Bush, because he sent the troops there to start, under the guise of humanitarian efforts. I think our military should be deployed to friendly nations who need protection, and to fight countries who have attacked us or our allies. Humanitarian efforts, and nation building are not the role of the military.I see. So any time there's a humanitarian issue, we should invade? All humanitarian issues are America's business to be involved in?
If that's our requirements for going into another country, we should occupy half of Africa, most of Asia, and a good deal of the former soviet bloc countries, not to mention a good chunk of south America.
Reagan, 1983, in Beruit Lebanon, a terrorist exploded a truck bomb at the base of the Marine barracks killing over 200, I think you know about this. The fact of the matter is that Reagan didnt do squat to deal with the terrorists who committed the attack including Hezbollah. Less than 4 months later US forces were out. Reagan did nothing but cut and run in the face of Islamic terrorists after they killed hundreds of American Marines.I don't know about the Reagan 1983 thing. Perhaps I'll learn about it later.
However, two wrongs don't make a right. Assuming Reagan did the same thing, that doesn't in any way make Clinton's actions "better". That's a straw-man to me. Almost like you admit Clinton was lame... but but.... Reagan was lame too!! Moving on...
OK Andy, so everything Bush did was inoccuous and Clinton was the one who bungled badly by not providing the heavy armor necessary and shifted the mission. I see, thanks for the clarification. That damn Clinton, he cut and run from places we should be able to easily control militarily, he didnt provide the resources necessary to catch OBL, didnt finish the job with Saddam, and was getting BJs from an ugly intern the whole time in the oval office, the lied about it.It wasn't Clinton's fault the troops were in Somalia. He should have pulled them out, or kept them to the original mission. Bush Sr. only used them to deploy food relief, as far as I know. Now given that mission, the few scant troops were more than enough.
What was Clinton's fault was the change in mission, without a change in equipment. They were not given the support they needed, the equipment they needed, the troops they needed, and the hardware they needed. Clinton just sort of ordered them to go do this, and then rejected all requests for the proper weapons, equipment and personnel to accomplish the task given. Again, naturally we ended up with Black Hawk down.
In regards to what is underlined above a few paragraphs...
The same could be said in the opposite direction. What bugs me is two fold...
firstly, I dont really care for Bill Clinton, and it bugs me having to defend him.
Secondly is the overall hypocrisy of the GOP in thier criticism of him. While plenty of it is deserved, it needs to be directed at the individuals who are of the other party who do the same actions. You cant have it both ways.