Government J-6 violence inciter Ray Epps gets hand slap for his violence on J-6 while peaceful innocent Grandma gets the book thrown at her

Ray Epps was let off light and Grandma was brutally trashed because democrats lied while democracy and the Constitution were dying.
You made a big sing and dance about Epps at the time implying he was a instigator in the riot. Now its exposed he wasn't at all.
Then out come the obligatory blame the democrats bullshyt.
I understand why you love the fact that government plants like Ray Epps got off light in spite of providing some of the most forceful incitements to violence caught on camera.
What about that demented old bitch with the Bible? Those prayers worked well.
Exactly who was she praying for again?
You made a big sing and dance about Epps at the time implying he was a instigator in the riot. Now its exposed he wasn't at all.
Then out come the obligatory blame the democrats bullshyt.
He is on video yelling at Trump supporters to crash into the Capitol building while Trump supporters ignore him and chant, "Fed, fed, fed."
What about that demented old bitch with the Bible? Those prayers worked well.
Exactly who was she praying for again?
Demmies slander the praying Grandma with hateful vulgarity while celebrating democrat women advocating for the destruction of the police, the 'white man,' the 'rich,' and the conservativce Christian.
She trespassed
Why do you support right wing crooks
What law did she break that she was jailed for? Visiting the Capitol after visiting hours? Visiting the Capitol during visiting hours? What is the penalty for that, if there is a penalty? 10 years in a damp basement D.C. holding cell?
What law did she break that she was jailed for? Visiting the Capitol after visiting hours? Visiting the Capitol during visiting hours? What is the penalty for that, if there is a penalty? 10 years in a damp basement D.C. holding cell?
Trespassing. Already said many times
God you are stupid