GOP congressman: If humans cause climate change, 'why did the dinosaurs go extinct?'


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) on Monday pooh-poohed the notion that humans are causing climate change, saying in an interview on MSNBC that the theory makes no sense given the extinction of the dinosaurs.

After Miller expressed skepticism about whether climate change itself was even a real threat, host Richard Lui asked him about the key "man-made" distinction. (Many on the right accept climate change but deny humans are to blame for it.) Miller's response: "Then why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Were there men that were causing — were there cars running around at that point, that were causing global warming?"--Jon Terbush

Ill bet y'all Harry Reid nor Nancy Peliosi can't answer that question.
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) on Monday pooh-poohed the notion that humans are causing climate change, saying in an interview on MSNBC that the theory makes no sense given the extinction of the dinosaurs.

After Miller expressed skepticism about whether climate change itself was even a real threat, host Richard Lui asked him about the key "man-made" distinction. (Many on the right accept climate change but deny humans are to blame for it.) Miller's response: "Then why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Were there men that were causing — were there cars running around at that point, that were causing global warming?"--Jon Terbush

Ill bet y'all Harry Reid nor Nancy Peliosi can't answer that question.
All aware Americans know these communist POS such as Reid and Peliosi could never answer those questions!

Their communist agenda is what it is and the sheeple are sure to follow!

Our whacko liberal friends like lagboltz will try to make some "scientific" excuse for this BS .... our whacko liberal friends like POS will spew his liberal hatred and call us all bigots, etc. in an effort to justify this communist movement.

But, all the majority of Americans are aware that the communist jumped on the environmentalist band wagon long ago when their sick ideology was displaced ....

Global warming is a hoax and just another failed attempt by these communist piece of shits to get a foot hold in the game!
I understand the point of his question but it comes off poorly as a response.
Perhaps he should have asked why when Soviet communism finally collapsed after 70 years of world wide tyranny, did the progressives liberal Democrats and RINO Republicans push the existential green movement to the forefront, which was in reality the same old exhausted red communism in a new disguise.

Or maybe he could have asked what Leon Trotsky meant by "perpetual revolution" in context to the global warming hoax.

But, he will not ask the real questions. Communism is the root of all of this evil and despite the fact that Mr. Miller appears to be taking a stand here, I am willing to bet he will never mention the taboo "C" word!
Oh, I thought Communism was the root of all evil. :D
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Well, of course it is the root of all evil in reference to politics and ideologies. I used the word "this" to reference in the context of the global warming hoax.

I am curious to know however do you disagree that the environmental movement is not rooted in communism?
Ok, I admit it! I confess!

I created climate change. You know how it is ... sitting around the house on a Thursday afternoon ... nothing to do.

I didn't mean for it to get all carried away.
Ok, I admit it! I confess!

I created climate change. You know how it is ... sitting around the house on a Thursday afternoon ... nothing to do.

I didn't mean for it to get all carried away.
It's OK ...... just make your contribution to the DNC and your sins will be washed away. ;)
Dinosaurs were big eaters and released a lot of methane gas. That and all their smokin' hot volcanoes.