Global Warming

You know what is funny Rokerijdude? The idea that you have bought anthropogenic global warming theory hook line and sinker with nothing that constitutes proof and a great deal of information out there that suggests just the opposite and yet; on the pot thread, you are howling for absolute proof that pot causes cancer and you refuse to even consider credible science that suggests that it might because it isn't absolute proof.
Only in your little world Mr Rider.lets not sink so deep that we are discussing seperate threads all in one thread....although it does seem a fabulous way for you to confuse peopel you want to talk about the effects of marijuans? stay in the other thread.are you capapble of that pal?......and on global warming I havent bought shat as you try to again "pigeon hole" me into a position i havent taken .and try to once again to infer things that i just didnt say, or do!!.................its really quite simple where i stand on it all.... and it certainly seems to me that Both Fonz. andthe other man in the post Know far more about it than you do.........I know one of the posters in this thread is ten times more qualified than you to speak on it

its what he does for a LIVING.. but then again if palerider says it it must be true!!! isnt that how it works in your world?.....

Science is science and one wonders why in one area of science you will accept information that doesn't constitute proof but in another area of science, you flatly reject information that doesn't constitue proof.

you havent provided anything here that i have refuted? you really need to re-think your rant here pal as it really puts egg on your face ...........that is for any of us that have actually bothered to READ the thread before responding.................
Says a lot about how your bias effects your thought processes don't you think?

sux that you cant have your way with me in the marijauana thread dosent it? Dont you hate when you hit a subject that your just flat out un-educated in? so much so apparently that you decidec youd try and hash it out in ANOTHER thread!!!!! truly shows us how you still dont know squat about the prohibition of Marijuana

you probably never will either
And you say that Palerider is ranting? And another thing, I haven't seen you refute a single thing palerider has said regarding global warming.
And you say that Palerider is ranting? And another thing, I haven't seen you refute a single thing palerider has said regarding global warming.

maybe thats because you dont read?
try again.........

maybe thats because i dont dispute Global Warming as being a natural occurance? maybe thats because i only have issues with ONE SINGULAR aspect of what hes is spewing on and on about ? maybe thats why huh? I have continually stated throughout the thread that Golbal warming is

1.) A Natural occurance without which the globe would be inhabitable

2.)I never ONCE Claimed supported or said that It was "CAUSED" By MAN

3.) I have consitently said it is not something that is Imminent or will happen rapidly

4.)I havent once disagreed that there are other planets experiencing the same thing

5.)I never denied that the "MAIN" source of warming is solar variance

6.)I ONLY SAID THIS.....that IN MY and (many others scientists included) that Man has CONTRIBUTED to Global warming by increases in industrial production,population, and automobile usage

so maybe you should read a lil before taking up the attack on ole Roker

your way off base
sux that you cant have your way with me in the marijauana thread dosent it?

I already had my way with you on the marijuana thread. It is unfortunate that you don't realize it. I provided credible science and you incessantly refer to a book written by an undeducated doper.

Dont you hate when you hit a subject that your just flat out un-educated in? so much so apparently that you decidec youd try and hash it out in ANOTHER thread!!!!! truly shows us how you still dont know squat about the prohibition of Marijuana

My comment here was not about pot, it was about your muddled thought processes. It was about how you accept information that does not constitute absolute proof when it is used to bolster your stance on AGW but deny information that also doesn't constitute proof when it is in conflict with a position that you hold. The comment was to point out that you are inconsistent in your acceptance of information and therefore you are not credible on either subject.
and yet; on the pot thread, you are howling for absolute proof that pot causes cancer and you refuse to even consider credible science that suggests that it might because it isn't absolute proof.
really? hmmmm seems to me you have mentioned Pot i mistaken?
I already had my way with you on the marijuana thread. It is unfortunate that you don't realize it. I provided credible science and you incessantly refer to a book written by an undeducated doper.

you have had your way with me???????

excuse me while i stop belly have had your ass consistently handed to you in that thread all you have been able to do is produce some half assed Govt studies full of "Can" Possibly" "may" "could" "in some cases"
you havent provided any proof of anything.i have CONSISTENTLY provided proof to support my position and handed you a !00,)00,)0 challenge...whic you have ...........Ignored ehy? because as i continue to tell everyone you dont know what your talking about!!!! i have PROOF documented PROOF of my position with solid references all which originate with the federal Govt. you have provided Inconclusive Rhetorics and refer to 60 yr old arguments that have been proven wrong tenfold

the information in the book is Non debateable.......go collect the money then Mr Know it all if you can............

Just TRY and collect it show us that Jack has Truned you down and the Reasons he cites you know so much.....put your mouth where the money is and show us pal.otherwise your just full of shat whicjh anyone reading that thread already knows

prove ANY of the points that have been made wrong PROVE IT


Does IS HAS you have no proof I do you lose again

My comment here was not about pot, it was about your muddled thought processes. It was about how you accept information that does not constitute absolute proof when it is used to bolster your stance on AGW but deny information that also doesn't constitute proof when it is in conflict with a position that you hold. The comment was to point out that you are inconsistent in your acceptance of information and therefore you are not credible on either subject.
yes it was see above

whatever because you said so? ok pal if it makes you feel better fine i see you were UNABLE to answer My singular question to you in this thread

shows us what your intentions and positions are your Un-credible and Un-educated especially in the area of Hemp and Marijuana prohibitione all you have been able to muster in that thread is NAME calling something you always accuse others of doper this and dopefiend that stoner blah blah blah blah when you actually have proof of soemthing let us know

and when your ready to answer the question i asked you in this thread let us know your really ineffectual at best

maybe you should go back out in the woods and do some more turkey
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this thread. It is turkey season and I have a limited amount of time for long responses.
You, yourself have cited two reports done in the 70's and now you are claiming one? Even if there were only one report done in the 70's (a point which I don't conceede) it would be clear evidence of the media's willingness to take partial information that proves nothing and run with it as if it were delivered by God on the mountain top. Exactly the same thing that is happening today.
Actually no, this is what I said:

Rasool and Schneider (1971) - Examined the possible effects of greenhouse gases and particulate pollution (such as from aerosols) on the climate. They found that greenhouse gases would result in warming the Earth and particulate pollution in cooling it, and guessed the latter to be more likely. They estimated that sustained effects of particulate polluntants could decrease the temperature of Earth by up to 3.5°C, and if this went on for long enough, it could cause Earth to drop into another ice age. Note that they didn't actually predict this would happen, they just proposed it as a possible future scenario. Nowadays, most scientists are indeed predicting that the Earth is going to warm up.

National Academy of Sciences Report (1975) - Often claimed to show fear of Global Cooling. In fact, all it said was that it's possible for the climate to change, they didn't know in which way it might, and so we should research it more. No big fears there.

And I have two degrees in the hard sciences, and don't require information be digested and fed to me in small bites via the internet.
That really doesn't impress me. Are you a climatologist?

Geez I wish people here would learn what constitutes a logical fallacy and when it is appropriate to suggest that one has been made. When I pointed out that the national academy was not infallable, and had, in the past, supported pseudoscience, it was in response to your "appeal to authority" in suggesting that the pseudoscience must be true because the scientists at the national academy said so. There was a logical fallacy in the exchange, but you are the one who made it.
Actually you are wrong here. You attempted to discredit everything the National Acadamie of Science sais because of something that happened over 60 years ago, it was a clear fallacy, whether you recognize it or not.

Furthermore, for your appeal to authority accusation to work, i would have to be basing an unproven assertion on just what they said. unfortunately for you, the proof and research confirming what the Acadamie is stating is well documented and constantly being debated. Furthermore, these are climatoligists, people that know what they are talking about, if I had said, "George Bush doesnt beileve in Global Warming, therefor its not happening", then yes you'd be correct.

Nice try though.

Let me stop here and ask you a question. How much scientific value do you believe can be gained about a cyclical event when all of your research involves comparing one cycle to itself?
Weren't you the one who brought up the entire cycle argument? I showed you how this current cycle is different than the others.

That is what you are doing here, and if the scientists who made it were trying in any way to prove that the earth's exit from this ice age is unusual because of man's influence then they are no more than pseudoscientists.

Have you ever looked at the time scale on the bottom of your little chart? 400,000 years. Do you know why such charts as those never go back much further than 600,000 to a million years max? It is because if you go back any further, there was no ice...ANYWHERE. Your chart simply shows the fluctuations in temperature during the ice age that we are still coming out of. How valuable do you reallybelieve that information is if you are trying to prove that man is somehow responsible for altering the exit from this ice age if it is not compared to other exits from other ice ages?

Show me some evidence that suggests that the exits from the ice ages of the precambrian, or the silurian, or the permian ages proceeded any differently without man's influence. You are comparing one cycle of a cyclical event to itself and trying to prove that this cycle is different from the others because of us. You can only prove we are responsible for differences if your attempt at proof is in the context of cycles that happened before we came on the scene.

In order to prove that we are causing a change, you need to provide evidence that exits from previous ice ages did not involve wild temperature fluctuations as they (the ice ages) neared their ends. So far, I haven't seen any scientist who buys AGW theory even begin to try and provide such evidence. After all, how much grant money do you believe they would get if they said that the earth warms up till all the ice is gone, holds that temperature for a few million years and then enters another ice age?

Recent history is irrelavent unless it is compared to the same time frame from a previous ice age exit. You are comparing a thing to itself in an attempt to prove that it is different from other like things. That is not science.
I am actually glad you brought this up. One important thing to note, is that hundreds of millions of years ago, Co2 levels were incredibly high, which can give you a good idea of why it was so hot.

However onto your questions.

Its not really good science to compare the earth from hundreds of millions of years ago, to the Earth today, because quite frankly, it was drastically different back then. For one thing, it got less light, because the sun was dimmer. For another, the geography was different. Many of the continents were rammed together and situated partly over the south pole. By the time that the Permian came around, the motion of the Earth's crustal plates had brought much of the total land together, creating Pangea.

Now, I suppose If we could expect the continents to slam into each other in the next century, the climate hundreds of million years ago might give us some pause about whether the planet is going to warm. But the continents are just going to creep along, while the carbon dioxide is going to shoot up, perhaps doubling or even tripling.

I think we still have a lot to learn about the climate of the ancient world. The further back in time we go, it seems the worse the record of temperature and greenhouse gases becomes.

Drifting continents make the problem even more complex. But scientists are making headway, not by rejecting the role of greenhouse gases in the climate but by learning more about the other factors at play in the past.

However, the most revealing features of Earth's climate history come from the more recent past, the past few million years, for which scientists have found some excellent records in ice cores and other materials. The reason that the more recent past is helpful, is because the Earth was generally in the same state as it is today, especially the continents, which were in the same arrangement as they are today.

So no its not pseudoscience. And its disingenuous on your part to claim it is.
The hockey stick:eek: You are bringing the hockey stick here? That piece of drivel has been so thoroughly discredited that even the most rabit AGW'ers don't use it as evidence any more. Get some real evidence.
The graph of course has its share of statistical errors, as you'd expect from any chart of scientific data, particularly when delving this far into the past and then trying to average the entire planet's temperature. This does not equate, however, to it being "discredited."

Global Warming is a politically controversial subject, and even a flawless paper that supports it is going to be criticized. The presence of a criticism doesn't imply the presence of flaws.

Furthermore, there was a big independent review of the report performed by the National Research Council at the prompting of the US Congress over the last few years which published their results in 2006. Specifically, they summarized their results as:
  • Large-scale surface temperature reconstructions yield a generally consistent picture of temperature trends during the preceding millennium, including relatively warm conditions centered around A.D. 1000 (identified by some as the “Medieval Warm Period”) and a relatively cold period (or “Little Ice Age”) centered around 1700. The existence and extent of a Little Ice Age from roughly 1500 to 1850 is supported by a wide variety of evidence including ice cores, tree rings, borehole temperatures, glacier length records, and historical documents. Evidence for regional warmth during medieval times can be found in a diverse but more limited set of records including ice cores, tree rings, marine sediments, and historical sources from Europe and Asia, but the exact timing and duration of warm periods may have varied from region to region, and the magnitude and geographic extent of the warmth are uncertain.
  • It can be said with a high level of confidence that global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries. This statement is justified by the consistency of the evidence from a wide variety of geographically diverse proxies.
  • Less confidence can be placed in large-scale surface temperature reconstructions for the period from A.D. 900 to 1600. Presently available proxy evidence indicates that temperatures at many, but not all, individual locations were higher during the past 25 years than during any period of comparable length since A.D. 900. The uncertainties associated with reconstructing hemispheric mean or global mean temperatures from these data increase substantially backward in time through this period and are not yet fully quantified.

The basic conclusion of Mann et al. (1998, 1999) was that the late 20th century warmth in the Northern Hemisphere was unprecedented during at least the last 1,000 years. This conclusion has subsequently been supported by an array of evidence that includes both additional large-scale surface temperature reconstructions and pronounced changes in a variety of local proxy indicators, such as melting on icecaps and the retreat of glaciers around the world, which in many cases appear to be unprecedented during at least the last 2,000 years. Not all individual proxy records indicate that the recent warmth is unprecedented, although a larger fraction of geographically diverse sites experienced exceptional warmth during the late 20th century than during any other extended period from A.D. 900 onward.

Based on the analyses presented in the original papers by Mann et al. and this newer supporting evidence, the committee fi nds it plausible that the Northern Hemisphere was warmer during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period over the preceding millennium. The substantial uncertainties currently present in the quantitative assessment of large-scale surface temperature changes prior to about A.D. 1600 lower our confi dence in this conclusion compared to the high level of confidence we place in the Little Ice Age cooling and 20th century warming. Even less confidence can be placed in the original conclusions by Mann et al. (1999) that “the 1990s are likely the warmest decade, and 1998 the warmest year, in at least a millennium” because the uncertainties inherent in temperature reconstructions for individual years and decades are larger than those for longer time periods, and because not all of the available proxies record temperature information on such short timescales.
What they are saying, is that yes, there are statistical uncertainties. However, they are not significant enough to change the conclusion.

I'll remind you that this came out from a committee commissioned by the Republican-controlled congress of the time under the (ongoing) censorship of scientists who espoused views or came up with results the administration doesn't like. Despite all that, the report was in favor of the validity of the Hockey Stick Graph. Must be some strong science if it can make it through those barriers.

There was also another review done, known as the Wegner Report, it was performed at the instigation of Representative Joe Barton, an outspoken Global Warming "skeptic". The report also wasn't subject to peer review, and it didn't even result in changing the shape of the graph after fixing supposed errors. Compare: (The "Hockey Stick Graph" on the left, the graphs the Wegner Report came up with on the right)


Is it just me, or is the spike even more profound on the new graphs?

And they had the gall to use this as evidence against Global Warming?
That really doesn't impress me. Are you a climatologist?

Nope. But I don't need a web site to explain science to me. And no, I am not a climatologist. Climatology is pseudoscience.

Actually you are wrong here. You attempted to discredit everything the National Acadamie of Science sais because of something that happened over 60 years ago, it was a clear fallacy, whether you recognize it or not.

Sorry, but I'm not. You were the one who brought them into the discussion suggesting that they must be right because of who they are. If quibbling over this is the best you can do, then you have lost already.

Weren't you the one who brought up the entire cycle argument? I showed you how this current cycle is different than the others.

I brought up the repeating cycles of warm and cool between ice ages. You are pointing to cycles within this ice age, with no reference to previous ice ages. You are comparing the exit from this ice age to itself and trying to prove a point with the result. The only way you can prove anyting about the exit from this ice age is to contrast it to exits from previous ice ages.

I am actually glad you brought this up. One important thing to note, is that hundreds of millions of years ago, Co2 levels were incredibly high, which can give you a good idea of why it was so hot.

Notice the CO2 levels even during the cold periods. The CO2 levels are going to rise as the earth gets warmer because warm ocean water can not hold nearly as much CO2 as cold ocean water. Our contribution to the atmospheric concentration of CO2 does not even equal the natural variation from year to year in the earth's own CO2 making machine.


Its not really good science to compare the earth from hundreds of millions of years ago, to the Earth today, because quite frankly, it was drastically different back then. For one thing, it got less light, because the sun was dimmer.

Which explains the profusion of plant life...right? Actually, the sun was both brighter and dimmer (by a very small amount) than it is now depending upon which cycle it was in. Suggesting that it was warmer because the sun was brighter is not accurate since the earth also experienced ice ages back then when the sun was supposedly brighter and warmer.

I think we still have a lot to learn about the climate of the ancient world. The further back in time we go, it seems the worse the record of temperature and greenhouse gases becomes.

The fact remains that we can make no claims about the exit from the present ice age without comparing it to previous ice ages and no such research is being done by the AGW community.

However, the most revealing features of Earth's climate history come from the more recent past, the past few million years, for which scientists have found some excellent records in ice cores and other materials. The reason that the more recent past is helpful, is because the Earth was generally in the same state as it is today, especially the continents, which were in the same arrangement as they are today.

Interesting. Since the oldest ice cores are less than a million years old. Go much further back than that and there was no ice on earth...anywhere.

So no its not pseudoscience. And its disingenuous on your part to claim it is.

Of course it is pseudoscience. Every prediction that has been made with regard to climate change has come from a computer model and since we only have enough computing power at present to incorporate about 5% of the variables into any simulation, nothing resembling accurate data is coming out of them. The fact is that computer models don't even have the power to accurately describe observed data, much less have any predictive value.
The graph of course has its share of statistical errors, as you'd expect from any chart of scientific data, particularly when delving this far into the past and then trying to average the entire planet's temperature. This does not equate, however, to it being "discredited."

Statistical errors:eek: You are kidding, right? The hockey stick was blatant fraud. It could not be replacated using the data set provided with it.

Global Warming is a politically controversial subject, and even a flawless paper that supports it is going to be criticized. The presence of a criticism doesn't imply the presence of flaws.

There could be no such flawless paper. Any honest paper states adamantly that we simply do not know and are not likely to know any time in the forseeable future.
Climatology is the study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time, and is a branch of the atmospheric sciences.

In contrast to meteorology, which studies short term weather systems lasting up to a few weeks, climatology studies the frequency and trends of those systems. It studies the periodicity of weather events over years to millennia, as well as changes in long-term average weather patterns, in relation to atmospheric conditions.

I hate to source wikipedia, but since you think climatology is a pseudoscience, i want to give you something on your intellectual level, so you could understand