Well-Known Member
Why was it propaganda and what made it extreme?
Yet I've never seen you make such statements about people on your side of the isle... The next time someone goes on a rant about how the Republican plan for health care is to let people get sick and die in the streets, or any one of the tired old propaganda slogans of the left, perhaps then I'll get a chance to see if you're honest. Around here, I'm sure it won't take long for someone to spout some left-wing rhetorical nonsense.
Why would you believe Beck wants a theocracy?
In my opinion, propaganda is any generalize statement that is made purposely with the intention to gather people around one mind set that serves a single ideology, outcome, or monetary gain and includes at most a portion of truth with a lot of misleading information.
I believe that there are many exemples of Beck doing this. One that comes to mind is the continued "support" of Beck for Gold, which mostly served his own personal gain and that of his sponsor.
I'm sorry if you haven't in the whole 7 or 10 days I've been a member, read me clearly state that I do not like ANY form of extremism, whether from the Left or from the Right. I do not recall having had the opportunity as yet to read (and therefore answer) any post re: health care in this forum.
When the opportunity arises, I will be more than happy to give you my opinion. I can tell you that you will probably not like it. . .but it really doesn't matter, does it?