Giving and compassion?

Once upon a lifetime, I had to deal with someone trying to push their way up in 4H. I remember all the BS that had to be applied into the "public service" section of the resume, in order to get ahead. I later found out it was the same with pageant people. It was something that they had to do in order to get ahead--it was a mandate, an imperative. As such, I ended up with a natural bent towards extreme cynicism where it concerned the actions of The Man Who Would Be King.

I thought the Clintons give something like 30% of their income to charity.

Perhaps they did. That must be why the OP said:

So did then-President Bill Clinton, after a review of old tax returns revealed that he had once claimed a $75 deduction for donating a suit with ripped pants to the Salvation Army, as well as $2 for a pair of used underwear and $9 for six pairs of used socks.

And not that he was stingy like AL Gore or Barack Obama (at least before public scrutiny).

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