Giuliani: Trump repaid Cohen $130K for payment to porn star

He did not use campaign funds.

Oh yes he did regardless of how you ignore it. That is the exact reason he is in court. The court documents clearly show he refunded Michael Cohen after he initially paid her.
Get some facts know all.
That is a lie invented by Democrats who falsely claim that lie is true but who cannot prove the lie true. If Trump is convicted it will be because a gullible or possibly corrupted jury convicts him on opinions, feelings, assumptions, and innuendos rather than facts.
Trump created a foundation and the only thing he had to show for it was a YUGE picture of Trump himself, looking heroic. Trump has a long history of misallocating funds.

While we are on the subject, let us recall that Trump's father died of dementia. And Diaper Boy is clearly losing it lately. When Trump becomes President Vegetable, will Jared call in his pal MBS to help run the country?
Trump did not break the laws the Democrat liars accuse him of in their wicked efforts to rig the 2024 election.
No. Like the Trump fiasco, judges want to see evidence before they proceed. There was no cri.e committed by her and she was exonerated. Get over it.
Are you talking about Hillary? Of course the leftist government mob 'exonerated' the leftist government mob boss. Was there ever any doubt?
Are you talking about Hillary? Of course the leftist government mob 'exonerated' the leftist government mob boss. Was there ever any doubt?
You will find the committee that exonerated her was half republican. You'd better consult them about that.

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