Well-Known Member
Did anyone actually read the link provided? Did anyone actually read the article that the blog was referring too? The blog was nothing but spin, and the answers to the questions asked in the blog are obvious as to why the situation is what it is.
When reading the situation as it is laid out in the article, it appears that they are mostly referring to the Uighurs. Of which there are 17 of them. They have been deemed safe to release for a long time, except a country other than CHina is willing to take them, and of course we wont be returning them to China.
Id like to know why these people were detained in the first place? It sounds to me that thier detention was illegal or at least immorale in the first place. I am not thrilled about any of them being released here, but we dont have a choice after the policies that Bush created.
As for thier getting "welfare" we all might want to think about the reality here. Firstly, they can probably sue and win a few million worth of damages for thier detention without due cause. Id much rather put them on the doll for a period of time than deal with the potential lawsuits. Then of course there is the option of just putting them on the streets with zero means. I think that would be the worst option. America is a very tough place for new immigrants. Simply releasing them into society would put the rest of us in much greater harm. Because I am sure the first thing they would turn to is crime.
The situation is messed up. There is no question about that. But instead of getting all up in arms over Obama, you might want to direct your anger at the Bush administration that is responsible for this.
you forget they dont care if they did not do anything wrong, they dont care if we lack proof, they dont care if they are not charged, they dont care if they are tortured, they dont care.