Getting rid of electoral college

I'm from Ohio and I know what happened in Ohio. In the 2000 election there was voter fraud that was initiated by the Democrat "get out the vote organizations" throughout Cuyahoga County in NorthEast Ohio. Themost populated part of Ohio. It was tried again in 2004 and stopped. I am curious what informaton you think you have on Ohio. The tape you supplied gives no definitive proof of anything in Florida or Ohio. Especially Ohio. It simply says what you want it to say. If you could please give me links that give the proof that you say exists where Ohio is concerned. I could spend the next six months trying to find what you are talking about and not find it.

Links please.

Rep John Conyers book Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio is the most coherent collection of information and analysis on Ohio.

There's plenty of notable reads. Instead of just following the few links i provide i recommend doing your own research.

Greg Palast fo the BBC has done some of the best investigative reporting on the Florida 2000 election. Here's a taste, search for more.

The game last night was amazing. Go Sabres!
Thanks for the links. I'll definitely do the research.

Yes, it was an amazing game. I aged a few years watching it. *lol*

I started following the Sabres about 10 years ago. My husband is a lifelong Buffalonian. (Minus the 8 years he spent with me in Ohio) I have to give the Sabres credit, they've got heart. To be dealing with the injuries that they are, and to pull off what they did on Thursday was outstanding. Marty never struck me as the battling type. Impressed me!! *lol* Tonights game should be interesting. Are you close by?

Definitely, Go Sabres!!
Thanks for the links. I'll definitely do the research.

Yes, it was an amazing game. I aged a few years watching it. *lol*

I started following the Sabres about 10 years ago. My husband is a lifelong Buffalonian. (Minus the 8 years he spent with me in Ohio) I have to give the Sabres credit, they've got heart. To be dealing with the injuries that they are, and to pull off what they did on Thursday was outstanding. Marty never struck me as the battling type. Impressed me!! *lol* Tonights game should be interesting. Are you close by?

Definitely, Go Sabres!!

I live in Florida now. I've been a life long Sabres fan though. This injury non sense has to stop.
Rep John Conyers book Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio is the most coherent collection of information and analysis on Ohio.

There's plenty of notable reads. Instead of just following the few links i provide i recommend doing your own research.

Greg Palast fo the BBC has done some of the best investigative reporting on the Florida 2000 election. Here's a taste, search for more.

The game last night was amazing. Go Sabres!

If these sources are actually what you use to get your news, then its no wonder why you have such a hatred for this President. If you think that informationclearinghouse is a legitimate news source, then you are sadly mistaken. Rolling Stone is written by the most rabid liberals known to mankind, so I've just got to laugh at the fact that you think they can write anything about this President that isn't 100% pure propaganda. I read the freepress and harpers sites and did not find any actual evidence of any wrongdoing. All they have is coincidental stories that leave the door open that something may have happened. If you want to make claims as serious as the ones you are making, you better have something a whole lot better than coincidental anecdotes about voting machines failing in the ghettos.
If these sources are actually what you use to get your news, then its no wonder why you have such a hatred for this President. If you think that informationclearinghouse is a legitimate news source, then you are sadly mistaken. Rolling Stone is written by the most rabid liberals known to mankind, so I've just got to laugh at the fact that you think they can write anything about this President that isn't 100% pure propaganda. I read the freepress and harpers sites and did not find any actual evidence of any wrongdoing. All they have is coincidental stories that leave the door open that something may have happened. If you want to make claims as serious as the ones you are making, you better have something a whole lot better than coincidental anecdotes about voting machines failing in the ghettos.

I've made the point a hundred times that posting links is useless. The majority of debate on this site seems to be the validity of someone's linkage. I say do the research. I own a library card.

and regardless of what you think. The Rolling Stone article is very well researched. Im sure you avoided reading it because it's "liberal" and authored by a Kennedy.

here's an update as of March 27th

anyways, you can deny it all you want and claim "coincidence" and "circumstantial evidence", but any rationale American bound by reason instead of politics can see that election fraud is a serious problem in this nation.
I've made the point a hundred times that posting links is useless. The majority of debate on this site seems to be the validity of someone's linkage. I say do the research. I own a library card.

and regardless of what you think. The Rolling Stone article is very well researched. Im sure you avoided reading it because it's "liberal" and authored by a Kennedy.

here's an update as of March 27th

anyways, you can deny it all you want and claim "coincidence" and "circumstantial evidence", but any rationale American bound by reason instead of politics can see that election fraud is a serious problem in this nation.

Rolling Stone has never been a legitimate news source. They have only recently tried to begin covering news because of the extreme hatred their editorialists feel towards this President. Like I said, if these sources are where you actually recieve the bulk of your information, then it is easy to see why you have a slanted view of this presidency. That's fine if you want to keep living in a fantasy world and believe that all of America shares your beliefs, but if you want to make a persuasive argument, then you need to find someone other than people on the extreme left that are saying these things.

If you want to make these claims, then you need hard evidence. Voting machines breaking is far from hard evidence unless you can conclusively prove that their breaking was caused by a member of the Republican Party, and that it was intentional. Nothing you have posted has come anywhere close to reaching that burden of proof.
Rolling Stone has never been a legitimate news source. They have only recently tried to begin covering news because of the extreme hatred their editorialists feel towards this President. Like I said, if these sources are where you actually recieve the bulk of your information, then it is easy to see why you have a slanted view of this presidency. That's fine if you want to keep living in a fantasy world and believe that all of America shares your beliefs, but if you want to make a persuasive argument, then you need to find someone other than people on the extreme left that are saying these things.

If you want to make these claims, then you need hard evidence. Voting machines breaking is far from hard evidence unless you can conclusively prove that their breaking was caused by a member of the Republican Party, and that it was intentional. Nothing you have posted has come anywhere close to reaching that burden of proof.

i don't recall making this about republicans/democrats, or liberals/conservatives. pardon me, if i'm going to excuse myself from the rest of this. I'm not interested in convincing you of anything.

ps im sure you haven't read the Rolling Stone article yet.

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