Germany quits coal

I wish we could all stop using coal and natural gas and oil to generate electricity.
As a world united we might be able to pull it off with existing technology . More or less half of the world is under the sun at one time and if that could be worked out it could be done along with some new transmission loss reduction system and a few improvements in regard to solar chip technology and of course a way for the world to fund it and use it responsibly together it's a dream with our current technology and funding
I wish we could all stop using coal and natural gas and oil to generate electricity.
As a world united we might be able to pull it off with existing technology . More or less half of the world is under the sun at one time and if that could be worked out it could be done along with some new transmission loss reduction system and a few improvements in regard to solar chip technology and of course a way for the world to fund it and use it responsibly together it's a dream with our current technology and funding

Fossil fuels are the cheapest and most reliable source of energy for the entire world. That is never going to change. Because of fossil fuels poor countries can develop their economies and maintain a higher standard of living that libtards hate.

The USA is #1 in the world in coal reserves. 22% of the total and 30% of the higher quality hard anthracite coal. We should be the ones building hundreds of coal plants in poor countries around the world and selling them the coal.
You've got a narcissistic streak in you. Basically a know all dickhead.

I know it all you are right about that.

So what are your arguments on this thread? I cannot see any. I have made my point clear. CC formerly GW is a fraud.
For a country like Germany to "quit" the one cheap and available source of energy they have is moronic.

Why is the per capita GDP of the USA 42% higher than Germany? The Germans are supposed to be so smart. The brilliant white Europeans buy into fraud that is not in their best interests.