General Election in the UK - 8th June

Not sure I would want such a thing but clever of whoever to dream it up.
Yeah it's unusual but with this Brexit to go through May will need a clear mandate from the people so she go ahead and conduct the negotiations with the bozos from Brussels.
The current Conservative mandate (David Cameron's) contains no language as to the type and nature of deal she can make without going to Parliament every 5 minutes to have it agreed. If she builds the right language into her manifesto right from the start then it gets round that issue.
I guess she's also hoping to increase her majority so that she can stave off any coalition style vote against the negotiating stance she takes.
Some people in The USA who are opposed to Trump might like it. It could get rid of Trump before his term expires. But it is not possible in the USA. You have to either kill or impeach a President to get rid of a President. Very difficult to do
It has been one many times in Australia. If the government is leading in the polls and you need a greater majority why not? It won't happen here now because our Prime Minister is behind in the polls. So he will govern with a one seat majority for the next two years.