yes, and a bad idea to deem that corporations have freedom of speech also. A much better idea would be to outlaw lobbyists handing money to politicians, and have public funding of campaigns.
But, we all know that will never happen.
Pubic funding of campaigns is a horrible idea that creates far more problems than it solves. For example, what does one have to do to qualify for such funding? Not to mention the issue of forcing me to support candidates who hold views I do not agree with.
As Thomas Jefferson said, "To compel a man to furnish contribution of money to the propagation of opinions to which he does not agree is sinful and tyrannical."
Additionally, as someone who has run campaigns, the whole matching funds issue in smaller races opens up a huge area for "dirty tricks." Candidates are supposed to appeal to us, not to the government for our money.
Sorry for the brief response, I did it on my iPhone.