Well-Known Member
Do you remember a guy named Joseph McCarthy? Was he right all along?
He was right. Did you not know he was right?
If you answer yes, then you might be a useful idiot.
Do you remember a guy named Joseph McCarthy? Was he right all along?
He was right. Did you not know he was right?
If you answer yes, then you might be a useful idiot.
If I answered yes, I did not know he was right, that would be somewhat ambiguous.
All the time I've spent on this forum, I don't believe I've ever before heard anyone argue that Joseph McCarthy was right and that the Communists have taken over our nation. That is a first.
Interesting video you posted. The speaker believes that Obama believes that having created Israel was a mistake that needs to be corrected.
Do you agree with him, or is he really what he seems to be, which is a member of the tinfoil hat gang?
Oh, and those "libs" you keep mentioning, are they really Commies?
You never heard McCarthy was right. Really? Never?
Then you are a lib. Do a little research and bingo you will find out the truth if you can accept it.
And no one said communists have taken over the nation, but you. Though they do run a lot of things.
The communist left now runs the USA
NO FAIR!!! I was just about to bring up Joseph McCarthy! It is almost certain the Acorn is not old enough to remember or appreciate that stupid, black time in America.Do you remember a guy named Joseph McCarthy? Was he right all along? young people. "Hooch" is an old, somewhat archaic word for hard liquor. AKA, Booze.what is hooch? young people. "Hooch" is an old, somewhat archaic word for hard liquor. AKA, Booze.
Too late!You do realize, don't you, that according to Gipper anyone who thinks McCarthy was wrong is a lib?
And libs include Mao, Stalin, and the anarchists who are demonstrating at the G20 summit?
You don't want to be included in a list like that, do you?
Too late!
Watching the McCarthy hearings on TV when I was a kid, and the fairly recent revelations ( he would pick a number out of the air; "...there are 23 confirmed communists working in the department of labor...", etc.), it begs the question: With all the lives that were ruined by that jerk, how many real communists were exposed, if any at all? It was evident many of the common people that testified that they were not communists, had never been communist, did not really understand what a communist really was, let alone being a communist spy.
Oh, these kids. They know what the latest video game is, but don't have a grasp on good useful American vocabulary. they probably couldn't even tell you what is groovy.
You do realize, don't you, that according to Gipper anyone who thinks McCarthy was wrong is a lib?
And libs include Mao, Stalin, and the anarchists who are demonstrating at the G20 summit?
You don't want to be included in a list like that, do you?
Do you remember a guy named Joseph McCarthy? Was he right all along?
He was dead on accurate about all the commies in Hollywierd!
You folks apparently know very little about the Great Joe McCarthy. Liberalism has brainwashed many...
McCarthy was dead on right about the commies in the US government. He never claimed commies were in Hollywood though they obviously were and still are. He was a republican senator from Wisconsin. He had nothing to do with the House Investiation on Un-American Activities which did look into the commies in Hollywood and exposed many.
The Venona Papers completely vindicated McCarthy. He was too late to catch all the commies in FDR's administration. See my thread "Stalin's Stooge." The administrations of FDR and Truman were riddled with commies. Much like today actually. We need another Joe McCarthy to kick the traitorous commies out...
McCarthy was an American hero. He was also uncouth and a drunk. He was completely demonized by the radical left of the day for exposing the truth about their subversive and traitorous activities. And still today people have been brainwashed to believe he was wrong. Another sickening consequence of liberalism.
I have a theory that Rs are still scared today to speak the truth about the left because of what happened to Joe M. For example, why are the Rs not fighting against this commie b-i-itch Kagel's appointment to the SC?
More importantly, however, the questioning style and examination techniques employed by HUAC served as the model upon which Senator Joseph McCarthy would conduct his investigative hearings in the early 1950s. Following Senator McCarthy's censure, however, and his subsequent departure from the Senate, the American public grew increasingly wary of the "redbaiting" techniques employed by HUAC and others.
So, no, he didn't start it. He just copied its methods until the Senate woke up and censured him.
Are the Commies currently running the country atheists, or Muslims?