Fox News

The desperation of people like alias to rubbish Obama makes you wonder at his real motives

Lots of died in the wool democrats switched party allegiance mysteriously when a black candidate represented them so you can only guess at what really drives retardlicans posting crap like alias does
Funny! Now you are expanding the "conspiration theory" to include Columbia University and Harvard Law school?

How desperate can one be!

they cannot make his records public without his permission which he has refused.
all Columbia and Harvard have been accused of is Affirmative Action which is no secret.
What's really funny is you can't show us Obama's grades and test scores from college.

His grades do not matter to leftists. As long as BO is a leftists, his grades are meaningless. Hell, he could be a child molester for all they care.

Conversely, if BO were an R, the leftists would be demanding his grades.

Just chalk it up as another HYPOCRISY common on the Left.

Their most revered and beloved motto says it all - THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS!!!!!
His grades do not matter to leftists. As long as BO is a leftists, his grades are meaningless. Hell, he could be a child molester for all they care.

Conversely, if BO were an R, the leftists would be demanding his grades.

Just chalk it up as another HYPOCRISY common on the Left.

Their most revered and beloved motto says it all - THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS!!!!!

what is most interesting is how an undistinguished student of modest means pay for these schools. AA accounts for the admission and probably grades but a full ride ?
is that your quaint way of saying 'I can't refute that' ?

What is there to refute?

You haven't seen Obama's ceritificates. So what?

It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that he is massively intellectually superior to Palin

If you can't see that you have much bigger problems to fix than not having seen Obama's exam certificates

Of course, the US was much better off in the hands of a coke addled alcoholic failed businessman who only got the job through his connections and electoral fraud and who then went on to oversee the biggest financial meltdown of the US since the great depression and who started two illegal wars consuming over a trillion dollars and killing over a million people.

But at least he was white eh?
what is most interesting is how an undistinguished student of modest means pay for these schools. AA accounts for the admission and probably grades but a full ride ?

Well yes, but the media has done their usual act, the old 'double standard.' They will not investigate his college years, because he is a lib Dem. If he were a conservative R, they would have been all over it.

Remember the LA Times SOMEHOW got a hold of and published BO's senator opponent's divorce records....that were sealed by the court....and BO used them to force him out of the race. The LA Times did their job of helping Ds get elected, which is the goal of nearly ALL the American media.
Well yes, but the media has done their usual act, the old 'double standard.' They will not investigate his college years, because he is a lib Dem. If he were a conservative R, they would have been all over it.

Remember the LA Times SOMEHOW got a hold of and published BO's senator opponent's divorce records....that were sealed by the court....and BO used them to force him out of the race. The LA Times did their job of helping Ds get elected, which is the goal of nearly ALL the American media.

never been any question he was a prefab pol invented by the Chicago Machine. maybe they paid his way.
never been any question he was a prefab pol invented by the Chicago Machine. maybe they paid his way.

That very likely could be right.

When you analyse BO's accession, it is mind boggling that this man of little accomplishment, foreign upbringing, and numerous ties to Marxists could be president. But, thanks to the progressive Bush's many failures and white America's silly guilt and commendable desire to end racism, many Americans voted for BO without analyzing his abilities and background.
That very likely could be right.

When you analyse BO's accession, it is mind boggling that this man of little accomplishment, foreign upbringing, and numerous ties to Marxists could be president. But, thanks to the progressive Bush's many failures and white America's silly guilt and commendable desire to end racism, many Americans voted for BO without analyzing his abilities and background.

the pendulum always swings. Americans should pay more attention to Congress since they have to vote to for all the garbage that is killing this country. sadly its always throw the bums out except my guy...

I'm curious to see how BO's handlers try to spin the price of gas. this has big rump biting potential since it touches about everything. thats why they pulled gas and food from the inflation reporting. its "volatile" but that doesn't help trrying to pay for it.
the pendulum always swings. Americans should pay more attention to Congress since they have to vote to for all the garbage that is killing this country. sadly its always throw the bums out except my guy...

I'm curious to see how BO's handlers try to spin the price of gas. this has big rump biting potential since it touches about everything. thats why they pulled gas and food from the inflation reporting. its "volatile" but that doesn't help trrying to pay for it.

I think no matter what happens, BO is toast in November. But, then I am a little biased. The Rs would have to really F up and the economy would have to take off. Both those scenarios are unlikely.

If gas goes to $5, there will be no question the R wins in a landslide. But, there are other scenarios that could cause havoc. If Israel hits Iran and the whole ME blows up (could it be the Israelis intend to hit Iran before the election so oil prices skyrocket to make sure BO loses in Nov???) and we get involved, who knows how that affects the election.

I wonder if BO knows his chances of re-election are slim so he continues to push his radical agenda unaffected by the desire to get re-elected. It seems almost every day he is pushing some new radical proposal....going after the Church, cutting our military, eliminating most of our nuclear arsenal, etc. What's next is anyone's guess.
I think no matter what happens, BO is toast in November. But, then I am a little biased. The Rs would have to really F up and the economy would have to take off. Both those scenarios are unlikely.

If gas goes to $5, there will be no question the R wins in a landslide. But, there are other scenarios that could cause havoc. If Israel hits Iran and the whole ME blows up (could it be the Israelis intend to hit Iran before the election so oil prices skyrocket to make sure BO loses in Nov???) and we get involved, who knows how that affects the election.

I wonder if BO knows his chances of re-election are slim so he continues to push his radical agenda unaffected by the desire to get re-elected. It seems almost every day he is pushing some new radical proposal....going after the Church, cutting our military, eliminating most of our nuclear arsenal, etc. What's next is anyone's guess.

he's in full campaign (vote buying) mode to be sure and the so-called budget is nothing more than his platform (it as zero chance of passage in either chamber). that an interesting surmise on Israel using the opportunity to repay BO's slight(s) to Bibi. they'll go when they feel they must but if a delay is reasonable it just might be. the kicker is that BO will have to grant ancillary support or really get hammered.

be curious to see if Iran's latest move to shut off certain EU countries now (as opposed to the summer time they said they were doing) changes things. the eurozone may be happy to get this settled sooner rather than later.
never been any question he was a prefab pol invented by the Chicago Machine. maybe they paid his way.

Now, come on. . .and all this time I thought you were just misguided but pretty smart!

And now you think that the "Chicago machine" has planned for the last 30 years the election of the first Black American President?

And. . .I assume that the birth announcement in the couple of Hawaii newspapers were also planted by the "false grand parents" of Obama 50 years ago? Wow. . .talk about "visionaries!"

So funny!

In the mean time. . .here are the daily polls:

Daily Poll Summary, 2/15

2012 Matchup Polls

Michigan, PPP, 2/10 - 2/12: Obama 54, Romney 38
Michigan, PPP, 2/10 - 2/12: Obama 50, Santorum 39
Michigan, PPP, 2/10 - 2/12: Obama 56, Gingrich 34
Michigan, PPP, 2/10 - 2/12: Obama 52, Paul 34

Ohio, Quinnipiac, 2/7 - 2/12: Obama 46, Romney 44
Ohio, Quinnipiac, 2/7 - 2/12: Obama 47, Santorum 41
Ohio, Quinnipiac, 2/7 - 2/12: Obama 50, Gingrich 38
Ohio, Quinnipiac, 2/7 - 2/12: Obama 46, Paul 40

National, Rasmussen, 2/12 - 2/14: Obama 47, Romney 43
National, Rasmussen, 2/12 - 2/14: Obama 48, Santorum 42
National, CNN, 2/10 - 2/13: Obama 51, Romney 46
National, CNN, 2/10 - 2/13: Obama 52, Santorum 45
National, CNN, 2/10 - 2/13: Obama 55, Gingrich 42
National, CNN, 2/10 - 2/13: Obama 52, Paul 45
National, CBS News New York Times, 2/8 - 2/13: Obama 48, Romney 42
National, CBS News New York Times, 2/8 - 2/13: Obama 49, Santorum 41
National, CBS News New York Times, 2/8 - 2/13: Obama 54, Gingrich 36
National, CBS News New York Times, 2/8 - 2/13: Obama 50, Paul 39

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