Holmes County which is 2/3 registered democrats voted 6,410 for Bush to 1,810 for Kerry. Election Fraud is a real issue and when you stoop to minimalists probelms lik faulty exit polling you are ignoring the real issue.
58,000 absentee balots from Broward County (heavily Democratic) vanished
Detailed analyses indicate that reports of malfunctioning voting machines were tightly clustered in black neighborhoods, further exacerbating machine shortages. Of the 82 precincts for which voters reported that one or more voting machines were not working, the vast majority were in neighborhoods where over 75% of the population were black, while non-working machines were reported in only five precincts where less than 5% of the population were black. In one precinct 7 of 17 voting machines were not working. In another, 3 of 9 voting machines were not working. In yet another 2 of 3 voting machines were not working. In two precincts, all the machines were not working for a significant period during the day. In addition to reports of machines not working at all, there were multiple reports of voting machines that would not accept a vote for the presidential race, multiple reports of voting machines which highlighted a vote for Bush when Kerry's button was pressed, and multiple reports of voting machines that indicated that a vote for Bush had been registered on the summary screen, despite repeated attempts to select Kerry.
We will never know what the will of the people is until we find a better election system (i support the electoral college). The two Bush elections are the two most fraudulent elections in your lifetime.
It's appalling that you can say the "CBS literally tried to cheat", and not open your eyes to what really happened in 00 and 04 in Florida and Ohio.