Forget the Wall, what we need is an Iron Dome


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
Now Trump says that he wants to built an IRON DOME over the entire country, just like the one in Israel.
Israel is a rather puny country, only 8,630 square miles. Longest dimensions are 420 X 115 km. At least half of Israel is uninhabited desert and not defended by its Iron Dome. Which, by the way, is not made of iron nor is dome shaped.

The US is many times larger than Israel. 3,531,905 sq. miles. One could fit 409 ¼ Israels in the US.
(Not that anyone would or could even try.)

Trump also wants to deport millions and millions of undocumented aliens, and along with them anyone that has "jihadist tendencies". He plans to scrap Posse Comitatus and use the military to round up illegals.

Will Mark Francis, Tripoli, and Annoying Thing and other Trumplings take jobs in roofing, chicken and hog butchery to replace these people? Some of these jobs pay as much as $11 an hour.
remember the star wars defense system? lol.
I do not think that originality is one of Trump's attributes.
It is certain that Trump's Iron Dome will be as successful as Trump's plan to end Covid by injecting bleach into people.
Now Trump says that he wants to built an IRON DOME over the entire country, just like the one in Israel.
Israel is a rather puny country, only 8,630 square miles. Longest dimensions are 420 X 115 km. At least half of Israel is uninhabited desert and not defended by its Iron Dome. Which, by the way, is not made of iron nor is dome shaped.

The US is many times larger than Israel. 3,531,905 sq. miles. One could fit 409 ¼ Israels in the US.
(Not that anyone would or could even try.)

Trump also wants to deport millions and millions of undocumented aliens, and along with them anyone that has "jihadist tendencies". He plans to scrap Posse Comitatus and use the military to round up illegals.

Will Mark Francis, Tripoli, and Annoying Thing and other Trumplings take jobs in roofing, chicken and hog butchery to replace these people? Some of these jobs pay as much as $11 an hour.
Yes and its a good ideal maybe nit Easly achievable but its possible . You see as your a Moron and know nothing about war or technology I am not surprised.
A Iron dome system can protect about 58 square miles with 1 unit.

Russia isnt going to target the middle of the Mojave desert or mountaintops or grass land they will target military targets nd major industrial targets and population centers.
So Iron dome systems will work to protect America if used properly . However they are not designed to take don sub orbital nukes . Another system is needed for that. And we have no where near enough anti nuke . And Im sure that's what he was really referring to.

In case you di not notice putin is threating to use nukes .
I do not think that originality is one of Trump's attributes.
It is certain that Trump's Iron Dome will be as successful as Trump's plan to end Covid by injecting bleach into people.
As usual they all refuse to reply. They are embarrassed about supporting the idiot.
There will be no Iron Dome over the US. The Wall was not built at all. What we got were pieces of fences, not walls, and Congress refused to fund what Trump demanded. Trump also said that he had this healthcare plan that was cheaper and better than Obamacare, but after a while Trump declared that "no one knew that healthcare was so complicated". Because Trump had no plan, he was just mouthing off.

This is just more of the same. Annoying thing is, as we all know, a total moron here.
There will be no Iron Dome over the US. The Wall was not built at all. What we got were pieces of fences, not walls, and Congress refused to fund what Trump demanded. Trump also said that he had this healthcare plan that was cheaper and better than Obamacare, but after a while Trump declared that "no one knew that healthcare was so complicated". Because Trump had no plan, he was just mouthing off.

This is just more of the same. Annoying thing is, as we all know, a total moron here.
The wall was not finished because of democrats dumb ass Biden killed the entire program when he was elected. And democrat congress did not support it. The wall is a deterrent just like having your front door locked .
And frankly with Putin threating using nukes it would be smart to developed a iron dome type system for America, they is unless you trust Vlad .
I do not and if nukes ever are launched without a better ICBM missile intercept system its all over.
Maybe you can get students to protest and stop it. lol Im sure Vlad would be impressed .
What the hell has Obama care got to do with a ariel defense system. Unless you count the billions he gave Iran which they used to help develop the ballistic missiles the O Bung hole deal allowed . you know the 3000 plus Iran now has and is shipping to Yemen and used on Israel with failure.
So do you want to stay on the subject at hand or talk about Joe Biden lies and personality and how I cant stand trumps personality.

As is most of the usa would be destroyed or contaminated badly from fall out and radiation , except perhaps parts of west Texas and south west Georgia and Maine maybe a state on the pacific b north west also.
It would be the end of times . Now if we had a missile system to shoot them down then we would save a lot of out farm lands and city's and Factory's power plants etc. Yes we would still be hurt and the world would be a real mess but we would have a chance.
Its called wisdom to talk about such subjects for a president .
Why didn't Trump talk about a missile system 8n 2016

Because he is an all talk moron
He doesn't know how to govern
If it involves more than signing his name he is clueless
Where is his health plan... or infrastructure plan
All campaign talk for morons who believe he cares about anyone but himself
nothing demonstrates the decrepit and decaying "mass" media of the english speaking world, especially the us,
than the elevation of serial rapist and wannabe dictator donald trump to the ranks of possible leader..

if trump is elected, then the disintegartion of of the international financial system is inevitable as the economically illiterate
chump is likely to push the tottering basket case that is the world economy over the edge

election will mean a steady supply of eastern european whores, courtesy of his gangster pals in moscow to
keep mr frump's penis happy, while the rest of the world marches into war and economic armageddon..

comrade stalin
paelstine is still the issue
Why didn't Trump talk about a missile system 8n 2016

Because he is an all talk moron
He doesn't know how to govern
If it involves more than signing his name he is clueless
Where is his health plan... or infrastructure plan
All campaign talk for morons who believe he cares about anyone but himself
Yes joe sure has showed us how lol
Trump is a simpleton. He hears dumb statements and believes them. He hears "Mad Dog Mattis" and he immediately hires the guy because he fancies the nickname. He heard about the "Iron Dome" and immediately he says we need one.
It turns out that Mattis was not at all crazy and was far smarter than Trump.

Former Defense Secretary Mattis Issues Stunning Rebuke Of Trump​

June 4, 20201:07 AM ET


Scott Neuman


Mark Katkov


President Trump in October 2018 is joined by (from left) Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller.
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

Retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis, who resigned as President Trump's defense secretary nearly a year and a half ago over policy differences, has issued an extraordinary critique of the White House's handling of nationwide unrest, saying Trump has sought to divide Americans and warning against "militarizing our response" to the protests.

"When I joined the military, some 50 years ago, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution," Mattis said in a statement published in The Atlantic.

"Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens —much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside," Mattis wrote, referring to a series of events on Monday in which peaceful protesters were physically cleared from around the White House to make way for an appearance by the president, Bible in hand, outside a historic church.

Mattis called Monday's actions "an abuse of executive authority."

Trump Defends 'Law And Order' Symbolism Of Photo-Op At St. John's Church

America Reckons With Racial Injustice

Trump Defends 'Law And Order' Symbolism Of Photo-Op At St. John's Church

The broadside came on the same day that current Defense Secretary Mark Esper said at a Pentagon briefing that he opposed invoking the Insurrection Act — which allows the president to deploy the military within the United States — something Trump had threatened to do in a televised speech on Monday.

Earlier this week, Esper had referred to unrest in the streets as a "battlespace," and Trump urged governors to use law enforcement and the National Guard to "dominate" the protesters.

"We must reject any thinking of our cities as a 'battlespace' that our uniformed military is called upon to 'dominate,' " Mattis wrote. "At home, we should use our military only when requested to do so, on very rare occasions, by state governors."

It is extraordinarily rare for military leadership to speak out against a sitting president, though Trump has come in for implicit criticism from senior ranks.

After Trump said of a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017, which turned deadly, that there were "very fine people on both sides," each of the military service chiefs — as well as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – issued statements condemning bigotry.

"I can absolutely and unambiguously tell you there is no place — no place — for racism and bigotry in the U.S. military or in the United States as a whole," said Gen. Joe Dunford, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman at the time.
I think as president he knew BOUT THE IRON DOME SYSTEM for a long time , your right hes a simpleton but at least he uncle was not eaten by cannibals . But with the Biden family work record Joe said his family would work 12 hours in the mines then play foot ball for 4 hours before going home. Remarkable .
Trump is lazy, ignorant and incompetent. It makes no difference whatever whether any of Biden's relatives were eaten by cannibals. I think that some Rockefeller heir was an anthropologist who was disappeared, and actually seems to have been eaten by New Guinea cannibals.
Now Trump says that he wants to built an IRON DOME over the entire country, just like the one in Israel.
Israel is a rather puny country, only 8,630 square miles. Longest dimensions are 420 X 115 km. At least half of Israel is uninhabited desert and not defended by its Iron Dome. Which, by the way, is not made of iron nor is dome shaped.

The US is many times larger than Israel. 3,531,905 sq. miles. One could fit 409 ¼ Israels in the US.
(Not that anyone would or could even try.)

Trump also wants to deport millions and millions of undocumented aliens, and along with them anyone that has "jihadist tendencies". He plans to scrap Posse Comitatus and use the military to round up illegals.

Will Mark Francis, Tripoli, and Annoying Thing and other Trumplings take jobs in roofing, chicken and hog butchery to replace these people? Some of these jobs pay as much as $11 an hour.
I bought Apple Computer stock, what is this work thing?