For years democrat leaders lied about Joe along with family and staff said he was razor sharp , wait till they get a load of giggles .

Attorney, prosecutor, senator, vp. Well spoke, intelligent, mature

The opposite of felon Trump lol
Attorney, prosecutor, senator, vp. Well spoke, intelligent, mature

The opposite of felon Trump lol
I see again you don't like the truth they've been hiding this from you me and everyone else for quite some time.
You don't have a problem with it apparently you like being lied to and screwed over.
They've been propping him up and who knows who's been making decisions over the last 2 years was it Jill or his son Hunter or who was it we don't know and I doubt Joe Knows either
I see again you don't like the truth they've been hiding this from you me and everyone else for quite some time.
You don't have a problem with it apparently you like being lied to and screwed over.
They've been propping him up and who knows who's been making decisions over the last 2 years was it Jill or his son Hunter or who was it we don't know and I doubt Joe Knows either
what did I post that wasn't the truth?
of course you are a ****** who thinks "giggles" is a good description of a lawyer, prosecutor, senator,