Well in looking over her very long and boring testimony I only found the reference to the 3000.00 with the quote you posted. So you are right she never said in a year, I just assumed that is what she meant. She said in the time you are at law school and she herself is on her third year. What I don’t understand is how she can be so vague about the cost of birth control when that is something you could very easily calculate but she is so precise on the percentages of women with problems not getting free birth control.
She noted that In 65 percent of the cases at our school, our female students were interrogated by insurance representatives and university medical staff about why they needed prescriptions and whether they were lying about their symptoms. Think about that, its amazing that 65 percent of the women in her school were comfortable enough to go let her know they were interrogated by the insurance rep and university medical staff about why they wanted birth control pills. I find that amazing that 65 percent of women would confide in her and I also find it amazing that the medical staff would assume any percent of women would want birth control for any other reason than having sex without children.
And to think out of that 65 percent, a full 20 percent of them never got covered for birth control pill. So the most amazing thing to me is that the medical staff is stupid enough to think that 45 percent of all women at Georgetown needed birth control pills for other reasons besides not becoming pregnant.
This fluke woman has her calculations so precise she even knows that a full 94 percent of students opposed the policy. I find it amazing that she has so many precise facts about this topic but is so vague when it comes to the cost of birth control and just gave this magic $3000.00 over a random period of time.
Heck it’s almost like she just threw out numbers and statistics throughout her testimony….with nothing to back it up but her honesty…
So I openly apologies for assuming she meant 3000.00 in a year, now my new question is….
WTF was she talking about? $3000.00 for how long? Doesn’t a person’s time in law school depend on what classes you take? How many classes you take at a time and to what type of law you are intending to practice?