FISA not so simple

I guess I am approaching this in more general sense. I am thinking about the shape of the legislation after the war too. Eevn during the war I would like to se checks and balances in all aspects of government.

What check is there against a president (either this one that I generaly like or another that neither one of us might not like) who would abuse fisa to spy on innocent citizens? Seriously, I am not being argumentative here. I just don't know what the check would or should be.

This relates to my "war is hell" comment - all kinds of bad things happen in war. The president checks communications, and his underlings might spy on americans. The military bombs the enemy, and might kill civilians. Money that might have gone to fight cancer buys weapons instead. War is a socially disjointing event that has all kinds of negative effects. As to the check on improper use of info, that should be in the law, even in wartime. But one shouldn't keep from the president ALL the tools he needs to prosecute a war, even if that has some bad side effects - it is unfortunate but necessary.
This relates to my "war is hell" comment - all kinds of bad things happen in war. The president checks communications, and his underlings might spy on americans. The military bombs the enemy, and might kill civilians. Money that might have gone to fight cancer buys weapons instead. War is a socially disjointing event that has all kinds of negative effects. As to the check on improper use of info, that should be in the law, even in wartime. But one shouldn't keep from the president ALL the tools he needs to prosecute a war, even if that has some bad side effects - it is unfortunate but necessary.

We all know that laws get bent in times of war. I am OK with that. I am ot OK with the constitution being bent even in times of war. The 4th amm. is clear that spying on americans without a warrant or probable cause is not allowed.

If a program monitors all comminication and then sorts it out after the fact it is still without probable cause or a warrant.

That being said the complaints I have seen describe spying on foreigners with the implication that americans have been spied on. That is just not responsible. As far as I know this is a theoretical issue only.