Federal Fast&Furiouus officials in AZ will take the 5th amendment


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Yes, you heard that right. Federal officials - people whose job it is to enforce the law and make sure the rest of us keep OUR noses clean - will take the 5th amendment so they don't have to make statements that will incriminate them.

And this from people who say they did nothing wrong, that it's all a witch hunt, a vast conspiracy to frame them.

Jesus Christ. At least my former Congressman, Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) (no relation to the Cunningham in the story below), admitted his guilt once he got caught, and expressed sorrow for what he had done (taking bribes). But this bunch of Federal slime is concerned simply with beating the rap.



Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'

by William La Jeunesse
Published January 20, 2012

The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.

Patrick J. Cunningham informed the House Oversight Committee late Thursday through his attorney that he will use the Fifth Amendment protection.

Cunningham was ordered Wednesday to appear before Chairman Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee regarding his role in the operation that sent more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa Cartel. Guns from the failed operation were found at the murder scene of Border Agent Brian Terry.

January 25, 2011: A cache of seized weapons used in the ATF gun-running operation 'Fast and Furious' is displayed at a news conference in Phoenix.
The letter from Cunningham’s Washington DC attorney stunned congressional staff. Last week, Cunningham, the second highest ranking U.S. Attorney in Arizona, was scheduled to appear before Issa‘s committee voluntarily. Then, he declined and Issa issued a subpoena.

Cunningham is represented by Tobin Romero of Williams and Connolly who is a specialist in white collar crime. In the letter, he suggests witnesses from the Department of Justice in Washington, who have spoken in support of Attorney General Eric Holder, are wrong or lying.
It looks like that BATF is the one who should be responsible for the "Fast and Furious". The real mind is the DOJ, FBI and DEA. To protect the mastermind from exposure, they use 5th amendment to block the investigation. '

Airport search, Canada and Mexico (12/11/2011)(697)

I renewed my passportin September 2009,. Then I ordered an air ticket to Hong Kong later that month. As usual, I watched the news of the Chinese tv channel KTSF26 That night. I was alarmed by a report – how the Feds planting fake notes into innocent passenger’s pocket in airport security check. To propaganda an illegal action of the Feds in positive way was unusual. Obviously it was a warning on me – “we wouldn’t let you leave US”. The Feds got that search power after two bombings(OKC and 911),. I canceled the air flight.

Several days later my father passed away (10/4). I thought it was done by the Feds. It was another intimidation. However, it only prompted my decision of leaving. On 10/7 I took a Grey Hound bus to Vancouver. I was rejected to enter the Canada. No reason was given. I complained to law makers and A.G. Holder. Most had no reply, one suggested to ask help from D.O.J. . Here is the article I wrote about this event two years ago.

Re: “611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)

Ten days ago, I was denied to enter the Canada in board check point. Since I have all the document and sufficient fund a tourist should have. I think the board officer was instructed by the misleading information from the US Federal agent. Here is my complain to Attorney General……”

It was sarcasm for a victim who suffered in a theft case to ask for help from the thief.

There are three ways to leave USA: 1. By air traffic. It is now blocked with TSA searches and arrest. (which means a framed case by planting is possible.) 2. Go north to Canada. It was proved being blocked by the collaboration of the Canada government. 3. Go south through Mexico. The tactic the Feds used is to make it a killing field so when a planned murder happened, it would have been neglected in mass slaughtering cases. Those drug killings, was actually a distract tactic.

I started to understand the purpose of OKC bombing and 911 attack after I had the Canada experience. It was for the “search and arrest” power. (for the Feds)

After that more and more killing cases in Mexico caught my eye. Apparently the Feds were behind those killings. They were afraid I would leave US to Mexico. It was proved one year later when “Operation Fast and Furious” was revealed. The “Fast and Furious” are conducted by the Feds. The purpose was not to track illegal drug trading but to cover up a possible murder by mass killings. Check the timing you will find that the “Operation Fast and Furious” was created when the Feds found I intended to leave USA.

Heritage: The Fast and Furious Scandal Continues

• Posted by Arizona Tea Party on August 31, 2011 at 8:30am
This is the story of Fast and Furious, and yesterday the latest chapter unfolded when two top officials associated with the operation were removed from their positions, while a third individual resigned.

The story begins in the fall of 2009,


Since the “fall of 2009”, the media and the Internet were full with topics of “TSA”, “pat down”, “see through screen” and bloody killings in Mexico. The purpose is: If a flight passenger was arrested for carrying “fake money” or “drugs” or other illegal things, the public would believe it is the result of “the TSA’s strict searches” and not doubt it’s a planting case. Or in other case no one would have noticed a single murder in Mexico when there are so many beheading, mass slaughtering cases there.

Behind the “Fast and Furious” (12/19/2011)(698)

1. Mexican drug gangs are controlled by the FBI and DEA. So the Feds actually control the drug activities of Mexico drug trading.

“Mexican Narco-Trafficker’s Revelation Exposes Drug War’s Duplicity
Posted by Bill Conroy - April 25, 2011 at 9:08 pm
Trail of Government Intrigue Leads Back to Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico’s Yucatan
A high-level player with one of the most notorious narco-trafficking organizations in Mexico, the Sinaloa “cartel,” claims that he has been working with the U.S. government for years, according to pleadings filed recently in federal court in Chicago.

“Gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants
Probe reveals that the U.S. agency running the 'Fast and Furious' anti-gun-trafficking operation didn't know about the alleged FBI informants. Congressional investigators are looking into the matter.

Suspected members of the Zeta drug cartel are… (STRINGER/MEXICO, REUTERS)
July 17, 2011|By Richard A. Serrano, Washington Bureau
Congressional investigators probing the controversial "Fast and Furious" anti-gun-trafficking operation on the border with Mexico believe at least six Mexican drug cartel figures involved in gun smuggling also were paid FBI informants, officials said Saturday.
The investigators have asked the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration for details about the alleged informants, as well as why agents at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which ran the Fast and Furious operation, were not told about them


“ Drug cartel leaders are FBI informants, official says
7 Jul 2011 San Jose Mercury News By Richard A. Serrano
Ill- fated ATF deal could have been avoided, panel hears
WASHINGTON — The embattled head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has told congressional investigators that some Mexican drug cartel figures targeted by his agency in a gun-trafficking investigation were paid informants for the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration. “

2. BATF just carries out the order from D.O.J..

How the "Fast and Furious" program put thousands of weapons directly into the hands of Mexican drug gangs
Here's how "Fast and Furious" worked: Under orders from Washington, ATF agents were specifically told to acquire these weapons using "straw" buyers in the USA, find new buyers in Mexican drug gangs, then sell the weapons and "lose track" of them. Although some agents raised concerns about the insanity, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington who wanted to pursue this policy for their own reasons. "It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action," said Phoenix Special Agent John Dodson.

But what could be the reasons for Washington initiating such a program in the first place? Why would the Obama administration actively send 30,000 sniper rifles, assault weapons and firearms into Mexico even while claiming to follow an anti-gun stance back in the USA?

To answer that question, you need to understand P.R.S -- Problem, Reaction, Solution. It is the "playbook" that governments use to get what they want, which usually involves: 1) Disarming their populations, 2) Taking away all their rights and freedoms, and then 3) Ruling over their people as tyrants with complete power.

Precisely such an effort is now underway in the United States, led by the Obama administration which has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be an enemy of the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.


3. The “Operation Fast and Furious” was not used to track the route of illegal weapons but was to create a bloody killing field.

To track a gun takes a team’s work. How many agents does it need to track 3,000 guns? It was not a supply to an army but to individual straw buyer. So from the beginning it was not to track the illegal route of the gun trading but to wage a killing wave in Mexico. BATF agent also was ordered “lose track” of these weapons. The purpose is to make Mexico a killing field to prevent a witness of the Feds’ crime from leaving US.
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