FBI and DOJ covers up for Hunter Biden

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Not surprised at all any thing to save a fellow democrat whos a criminal and pervert . Watch the democrats here come to his aide

Not surprised at all any thing to save a fellow democrat whos a criminal and pervert . Watch the democrats here come to his aide
A lot if ifs and buts there son.
I'm not convinced of anything fox say.

Not surprised at all any thing to save a fellow democrat whos a criminal and pervert . Watch the democrats here come to his aide
Once you realize this is a distraction from something else you will know everything.
again with the "pervert" thing. lol.
does he need a restraining order?

You democrats sure do protect your perverts .
I mean when the FBI and the DOJ have to lie about evidence to protect your perverted heros ots bad. But do not worry his daddy will put the fix in if he regains hos senses from his dementia and the two brain surgery he had and your hero will be fine . Restraining lol no. He needs a jail cell and protective custody. If he goes to jail I will send a few cartons of cigarettes to his prison pals to get a couple of lifers to turn his rear end and mouth into their private play ground in honor of you the great masterdebaiter
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