Pornography-Representing Attorney, David Ogden, Nominated as Deputy Attorney General by Barack Obama
By Jim Backlin
Created Feb 6 2009 - 2:23pm
Barack Obama's Deputy Attorney General nominee, David Ogden - lawyer for the Pornography business wherein he protected pedophiles - has hearings in the United States Senate yesterday.
Incredibly, Barack Obama nominated as his Deputy Attorney General, an attorney named David Ogden, who represented Playboy Enterprises in muliple cases, Penthouse Magazine, the ACLU, and the largest distributor of hard-core pornography videos. He even has opposed filters on library computers protecting children from Internet pornography. He has protected pedophiles in that he has argued in favor of pornographers who produce pornographic material using underage children. Ogden will report to Attorney General Eric Holder - in an already thoroughly discredited Obama Justice Department - an individual who played a key role as Bill Clinton's Deputy Attorney General in getting pardons for terrorists at the end of the Clinton Administration.
Not only is Ogden an extreme supporter of the rights of pornographers, including those producing child pornography, as a private attorney, he argued for unlimited abortions (such as the first bill which Barack Obama promised to sign as president, the so-called Freedom of Choice Act which would get rid of ALL restrictions on abortions in America); for homosexuals in the United States military; for homosexual "marriages" and other extreme left-wing policies. Unfortunately, as predicted by his opponents during the presidential campaign, the Obama Administration is being populated with some of the most radical members of American society.
As proof of the radically pro-abortion viewpoints of David Ogden, he actually wrote an amicus brief on behalf of the infamous 1992 Supreme Court decision called Casey v. Planned Parenthood. In the amicus brief which he filed before the U.S. Supreme Court he said: "Abortion rarely causes or exacerbates psychological or emotional problems. When women do experience regret, depression, or guilt, such feelings are mild and diminish rapidly without adversely affecting general functioning. The few women who do experience negative psychological responses after abortion appear to be those with preexisting emotional problems..."
And contrary to commonsense, he stated that women who have abortions actually are relieved and happy, ignoring the fact that a large number of women who kill their unborn children have depression and deep regrets. Ogden said in his brief:
"In sum, it is grossly misleading to tell a woman that abortion imposes possible detrimental psychological effects when the risks are negligible in most cases, when the evidence shows that she is more likely to experience feelings of relief and happiness, and when child-birth and child-rearing or adoption may pose concomitant (if not greater) risks or adverse psychological effects..."