You are a funny guy. I can remember this exact stupidity being spammed on message boards back in 1993. Arrogant idiots, squealing about how they had complete control. Stuff like this silly garbage above.
One thing I love about democrat arrogance, you can count on it being fun to watch when they fall down. I wasn't even remotely surprised when in 1994, republicans had a land slide victory. Where did all those arrogant people go? They disappeared. Vanished into their thin arrogant covering, to hide in the shadows of their folly.
They came right back out in 2000, only to hide again after Bush won. Then returned in 2004, only to scurry back under the rock they came from, when not only did Bush win a reelection, but also the republicans gained control of both house and senate.
You now have won one single election, and once again the arrogant idiots are out for a parade. By all means, prance around like a show pony. I will be ready to laugh you off this forum when you lose the next election. In case you missed it, Obama's approval ratings are dropping, and quite fast. His disapprovals are rising even fast than that. Even NPR, that bastion of neutral reporting, shows Obama's approval under 60%, and his disapproval at or above 35%.
I'm beginning to feel some 'hope for change' coming.