Fact checking Trump part B: the war on drugs.

But the issue is winning the war on drugs by simply shooting the addicts and purveyors.
Sucs huh! Do you remember Starsky and Hutch, Crocket and Tubbs and all that garbage from the 70s and 80s - bozos in flash cars and swanky suits fighting the "the-war-on-drugs".... and here we are in 2017... thats what 30-40 frigging years ago...shit.... and there are dick heads still having the same old discussions about the same old problems suggesting the same old solutions against the same old people.... if that ain't a definition of absolute fuckin madness then I don't know what is.

Just legalise the bloody stuff and sell it!
- boost in agriculture...Trump creates new jobs
- drop in illegal imports... Trump wins war on drugs
- boost from sales tax... Trump plugs budget gap
Shit Sean Spicer will have such a hard on it'll cast a shadow....if he still has a job?
Sucs huh! Do you remember Starsky and Hutch, Crocket and Tubbs and all that garbage from the 70s and 80s - bozos in flash cars and swanky suits fighting the "the-war-on-drugs".... and here we are in 2017... thats what 30-40 frigging years ago...shit.... and there are dick heads still having the same old discussions about the same old problems suggesting the same old solutions against the same old people.... if that ain't a definition of absolute fuckin madness then I don't know what is.

Just legalise the bloody stuff and sell it!
- boost in agriculture...Trump creates new jobs
- drop in illegal imports... Trump wins war on drugs
- boost from sales tax... Trump plugs budget gap
Shit Sean Spicer will have such a hard on it'll cast a shadow....if he still has a job?

The downside to that is that Trump might be reelected.
The Usa is condemned for Argent Orange. It destroys all vegetation not just drugs. It also kills people.
Why not just grow your own and sell it direct? cut out the middle man - instead of paying Iowa corn growers to produce bio-mass just get them planting coke or poppy.
That was one of the things that I thought was really screwed up in Afghanistan, the coallition should have paid the peasants to produce the poppies and bought it from them at open market prices giving them a guaranteed income and a reason to resist the war lords? Use the heroine for pharm purposes or whatever they use it for. At least the coallition would have contributed positively to a foundering economy, brought in speciallists to advise on growth for example and improve their understanding of farming and free them from the drugs barons.

Whilst there is a demand there will be a supply therefore be the supply....Just a thought....
Bush Will Not Stop Afghan Opium Trade
March 28, 2002

Heroin-Related Overdose Deaths Quadruple Since 2002
July 7, 2015

"ANOTHER home-run, there, Georgie-Boy!!!!"
Trump's statements:

TRUMP, in a telephone call to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte: "I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem. Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that." — Philippine government transcript of April 29 phone call, reported by The Washington Post.

So....BIG ROD....what can you tell us about our "friend", Spanky???
Trump's statements:

and the reality:

Obviously, the way to win the war on drugs is to kill off the drug dealers and users. It is a war, after all, and there will be casualties.

fact treat criminals like criminals daaa what would be against liberal ways of kissing their ass and cradle to the grave care for the poor criminal.
and under biden overdoses from opiates has hit over 100000 a year yea boy joe doing his part making sure we keep dying from drugs
NO Proof / NO Facts = LIE