Exxon record profits

Compared to the rest of us, who own no shares of Exxon?

As Aaron point out, you probably do have some without even realising it. Any 401k or mutual fund etc has Exxon shares. It is among the most widely owned stocks. That though does not make Exxon any less of an evil entity.

I am %100 serious when I say that the CEO of Exxon, especially the one who just days after the spill in a town hall meeting said:
"We will make you whole again"

If he were to visit and be recognized in a place like Cordova, Valdez, Kodiak, Whittier, hell really almost anywhere in Alaska, his personal safety would be very difficult to ensure.

I am not saying I would do anything, nor do I advocate for anyone doing something, but it wouldnt surprise me if he got roughed up.
Bunz, I'm astounded. I remember the Valdez quite well. One of the reasons is because of the 5-6 billion award. If they haven't paid it, this may explain why Exxon has 6 billion in "outstanding" debt. 20 years and no dough? Say what you will, but that's one Hell of a legal team ol' Lee Raymond put together over at XOM.

Oil still there? Fishing STILL off? Well, yeah, Exxon should pay a bunch of hard workin' Americans to clean that place up some more. But they haven't yet (fully) and it doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, you got a bunch of oil just sittin' there a foot down that nobody wants.

I'd go with Convict Labor to clean the mess and Ross Perot's legal team to go after Exxon. Hell, Ross's guys pack heat and free hostages, I'm sure Xom wouldn't be that big of a deal for them.

Or you could make the place Headquarters for Gore's Environmental Impact Global Carbon Emissions Lockbox Peace And Justice Center. Don't laugh. The seriously whacked out down here want to turn Alcatraz into something like that. They plan on making it the "Eighth Wonder of the World." And they are totally serious.

My point is to find some solutions for your problems instead of hitting some old C.E.O. over the head with a shovel. I know how satisfying that can be but the Convicts cleaning the soil are bound to find the body.

And yes. Beer is bad for the Environment because of all the C02. Just wait for the tax.
From Bunz:

Aaron, Ill do my best to respond, the quotes are yours.

If they haven't paid it, this may explain why Exxon has 6 billion in "outstanding" debt. 20 years and no dough? Say what you will, but that's one Hell of a legal team ol' Lee Raymond put together over at XOM.

Exxon Valdez could very well explain thier 6bill in outstanding debt. Surely Lee Raymond put together a hell of a legal team. When money isnt an object and you can buy anyone you like, well there you go.
Interesting to note that thier strategy of delay, deny, hope they die, while coming true in the sense than roughly 20% of the plaintiffs have since passed away.
Exxon's actions concerning the Valdez settlement has ulitimately cost them more than it needed, not only in cash but also in credibility. The royalties and taxes they face have increased, and as a direct result of thier actions concerning this.

Oil still there? Fishing STILL off? Well, yeah, Exxon should pay a bunch of hard workin' Americans to clean that place up some more. But they haven't yet (fully) and it doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, you got a bunch of oil just sittin' there a foot down that nobody wants.

Well the cleanup effort when the spill happened was immense. I was young at the time, but I remember just about every able bodied Alaskan making less than 40k a year went to work on the cleanup.
As for fishing, there is viable commercial, sport and subsistence fisheries now, but they are not what they were beforehand. The oil a foot below ground isnt really something that can be cleaned up from what I understand. It is what it is, and will need to disperse naturally. Digging up miles of shoreline to clean oil a foot below would probably do more damage than it is worth.

As for convict labor, I wont buy for now. But good try maybe someone else will. There are plenty of people who are not in jail in Alaska that need well paying jobs.
Thanks VYO,
The above post is mine even though it appears to come from VYO. I tried the same post about 5 different times and it would never actually load.
Well, if it makes you feel any better. Exxon is in hot water because it's Actual earnings for the past 52 week period were 10% less than Projected earnings. So the investors, USMC amongst them, are beginning to ask where the Hell all that money went. This could get interesting.

As for convict labor, I wont buy for now. But good try maybe someone else will.

Forgive my bluntness. Here in California we use...those with "Restricted Movement" for all kinds of things besides picking up trash by the side of the road. I was trying to save you some money. I agree that overturning two feet of soil is not based in sound conservation management principles. But this leaves you with the same unresolved issue.

I really do think that by plunking down a "Research Center" of some kind, a lot could be achieved.

1. Attention. I own part of Exxon and even I had completely forgotten about the spill.
2.Government Grants. Having a "Research Institute" qualifies you to get Grants. Have a bunch of Grad students write the proposals up. Again, saving you money.
3. NGO buyouts. Yup. Nature Conservancy, Trust for Public Land. All those organizations that are so hard up from keeping guys like me from killing stuff and detonating high explosives in the boonies could do some good for a change.
4.Re Branding. That whole area need to be changed on the maps to reflect it's new status as a protected research area. This means the guys who catch fish give some up for study, and are paid to do it. The study is an on going one from the "Research Center" which receives funding from the Feds, and a larger chunk from Philanthropic Institutes funded by companies like Exxon.

Hell, you're in local politics, start politicking up a storm. Worked for Huey (The Kingfish) Long.

But like I said. I'm a Chevron Guy.
AB, in an effort to actually get my posts to load, I will keep them short, so, my next few posts are your quotes.
Forgive my bluntness. Here in California we use...those with "Restricted Movement" for all kinds of things besides picking up trash by the side of the road. I was trying to save you some money. I agree that overturning two feet of soil is not based in sound conservation management principles. But this leaves you with the same unresolved issue.
I in general have no problem with convict labor, willing, humane labor of course. At this stage in the game, any secondary cleanup efforts would be as likely as Hillary naming Bill as her running mate.
I really do think that by plunking down a "Research Center" of some kind, a lot could be achieved.
See that is just the thing. In Alaska, we have three major producers.
BP, Conaco-Phillips, and Exxon.
Nearly any respectable organization or movement is sponsored by either BP or CP in major ways. Including very recently a $5m donation to create the first ever cancer treatment center in AK. Those two companies I would generally consider responsible stewards of the resource, all things considered. Plus they are pretty good corporate citizens and generous with efforts of charitable fundraising etc.
Exxon, on the other hand. Have made promise after promise in this state and simply have never kept thier word. Point Thompson, nat gas line, all BS. I am not anti oil company, just anti Exxon.

Hell, you're in local politics, start politicking up a storm. Worked for Huey (The Kingfish) Long.
But like I said. I'm a Chevron Guy.
Im always looking to the horizon. You would be surprised just what opportunities this state has and what a guy like me can get done.

As for Huey Long, IIRC, it was him that said:
"The only thing that could get me voted out of office is being caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy."

I usually get a twisted chuckle out of it, but as food for thought, what would happen if a modern politican said that.
O.k. Normally I charge 200$ hourly for consultation, but I like you Bunz, you know who the Kingfish is.

The 20th anniversary of the spill is March 24.(2009) You have a year to gin up a smear campaign that will humiliate Exxon. (Tie in with March Madness seems like a natural, what with all those colleges and all, they seem to go in for kicking corporate butt.)

B.P. and Conaco might just fund some Valdez related stuff if for no other reason than they can rub Exxons nose in it. (Exxon has been rubbing B.P. and Conacos nose in its balance sheets for years)

Exxon has a new C.E.O. who has a whole lot of different ideas about raping mother Earth than old Lee Raymond. Get yerself a high profile lawyer or public official to help with the letter writing campaign.

Name the research center after someone cool....but who has Gravitas. The Ronald Reagan center for Environmental Studies would sure as Hell put you guys on the map again.

Exxon has been doin' pretty well, but just to show I have a heart (borrowed) I will move out of XOM and stick all that money into Texaco.

On a side note: Bullwhips really get the blood flowing regarding your stance on Humane Convict Labor.

"The only thing that could get me voted out of office is being caught in bed with a dead woman or a live boy." Seems like Kennedy has been doing his level best to disprove this axiom for years now.

Oh yeah, you do know that "Big Oil" is gettin' ready to use giant microwave transmitters to bake the living Hell out of Canada and Alaska in order to free up all that stubborn oil locked in your shale deposits right? Just a heads up to buy some Raytheon stock.
AB, Im going to respond and it may take several posts most likely.
O.k. Normally I charge 200$ hourly for consultation, but I like you Bunz, you know who the Kingfish is.
Well I am glad I can impress. Thanks for the discount. I do know the Kingfish.

The 20th anniversary of the spill is March 24.(2009) You have a year to gin up a smear campaign that will humiliate Exxon. (Tie in with March Madness seems like a natural, what with all those colleges and all, they seem to go in for kicking corporate butt.)
Well it is in the hands of the USSC. AK, congressional delegation, AK governor Palin and the AK legislature have all filed briefs on behalf of the fishers. This is the last straw of Exxon. When they lose in the USSC they will have to pay up...I think.
B.P. and Conaco might just fund some Valdez related stuff if for no other reason than they can rub Exxons nose in it. (Exxon has been rubbing B.P. and Conacos nose in its balance sheets for years)
Citgo already does it to the three big AK producers with thier free heating oil program to rural Alaskans, myself included. Funny how a foreign oil company is willing to dish out 100 gallons of heating fuel, when the companies doing business here wont step up when our gasoline and heating fuel in the rural part of the state can cost upwards of $6 a gallon.
Name the research center after someone cool....but who has Gravitas. The Ronald Reagan center for Environmental Studies would sure as Hell put you guys on the map again.
With the exception of Eisenhower who was President when we became a state, I cant think of anything in AK that is named after a President since. To most people in DC, Alaska is simply a colony where they can exploit what they want and protect what they want based on the impression of a few members of Congress with thier own personal agenda to push forward.
Exxon has been doin' pretty well, but just to show I have a heart (borrowed) I will move out of XOM and stick all that money into Texaco.
It wouldnt be wise to do that on my account or through some sort of emotion. Combining emotion with business and politics is often times a precursor to losing money or political captial.
Oh yeah, you do know that "Big Oil" is gettin' ready to use giant microwave transmitters to bake the living Hell out of Canada and Alaska in order to free up all that stubborn oil locked in your shale deposits right? Just a heads up to buy some Raytheon stock.
Just when I thought I heard them all...Ill keep that in mind. I actually have some ties with Raytheon and hadnt heard that yet. Ill have to make some calls.

Though I am aware of a proposed pit mine at the headwaters of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. Fighting that mine has been the leading issue in my political interests.
Lucifer's Beard. I refuse to divest from Titanium Metals Corporation.(nyse:TIE)
If this is about Bitumen or Kennecott I suggest you start arming those little fish.
What the Hell is the Alaska Salmon Program for? I thought you had Field Stations all over the State......Damnation, you're hard to please.

Moving 126 1/4 shares out of Exxon and into Texaco was already a done deal. After being reminded of Xom's unfinished business, I can now feel smarmy about it. But you bring up an excellent point. Emotions are for the weak.

Raytheon IDS. It's true. Microwaves. And I'm setting mine on high.

But about the Reagan Conservation Institute. I really do think it could happen. You could start by calling some of those fine folks who's names can be seen on the Rotunda wall of the Reagan Library. After getting the go ahead for Rushmore, we're all kinda giddy.
Satan's armpit. I missed the Citgo jab, again. It's Commie Oil. You get it for free because Chavez is a Revolutionary who thinks that by giving rural or, poor Americans free Oil, he can further divide this Nation.

He seems to be doing a good job of dividing up his own.

But use the dough you save to buy Raytheon.

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