Explosion at Texas fertilizer plant

I don't understand. Why would they block an investigation?

tex has an intetesting idea but I would hope it has more to do with trying to not reveal a larger invedtigation they sre doing.

such a thing would have been handled without the cat being let out the bagbbut the administration has shown time and again just how ham handed they are at everything.

or msybe they "walked" whatever hardware was needed to whoever did it.

but ee likely will never know. Congress hasmt the nads to find answers.
but we likely will never know. Congress hasnt the nads to find answers.

What I'm learning with these congressional hearings is that they are partisan, too much double talk, CYA, loss of memory, bureaucracy, co-operation and restrictive laws in place to get to the bottom of anything. They are more like an exercise in frustrative mind games.
What I'm learning with these congressional hearings is that they are partisan, too much double talk, CYA, loss of memory, bureaucracy, co-operation and restrictive laws in place to get to the bottom of anything. They are more like an exercise in frustrative mind games.

lots of talk, zero action and zero consequence. wanna puke.
769. Make money with terror attack (4/30/2013)

I said “September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011,) His term has been extended for two more years to Sep. 2013. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action.” So there is only four months left for his term.

That’s why we saw a series of unusual cases took place recently: a meteor hit Russia; former Pope Benedict quit his job; Bin Laden’s son in law was arrested and sent to New York, Boston bombing; fertilizer factory explosion ….. All these were created for a big case – a false flag nuke attack on US (likely at New York) which will end with war on Iran.That big case was used to cover up a small case – to eliminate Kat Sung and his family (because they knew the story, I allege they were recruited by the Feds to monitor me. Informants have to be silenced to keep their masters’ crime a secret.). Since this is a framed case, the Feds need a big case to distract public’s attention.

The Feds prepared a violence death for me in March – a random shooting death in bank robbery. I revealed their intention in “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. In April came the Boston Marathon bombing. I allege it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which would be in public place where I go.

I used to go to Milpitas Library for a “Computer skill lecture” which is held on every Tuesday. Boston bombing happened on Monday (4/15). I was alarmed by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think that was part of the plan. That was why I wrote, “768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)”

Another unusual thing was Gold plunges to two year low from 4/12 to 4/15.

Gold plunges to two-year low
By Mark Thompson and Hibah Yousuf @CNNMoneyInvestApril 15, 2013



It would give the Feds a chance to buy in gold at low price. If I went to library next day (4/16) and died in a bombing, more bombings would have taken place that eventually lead to a war. At that time the gold price would sky rocket.

Do you still remember there was an unusual stock trading just before 911 attack?

Next Tuesday if 4/16 was 4/23. My daughter gave me a bag of garbage – although we pay monthly garbage fee, I don’t use that service – I am afraid of being planted with illegal stuff, such like drugs in our garbage can. (See “689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)”.) I assorted the garbage of that bag –I used to throw the paper in the recycle bin in library. I found there was a backpack in the bag. FBI uses backpack as evidence in Boston bombing. Was this a coincidence? Once again I decided not to go to the library.

A similar news came next day:

'Syrian hackers' break into Associated Press' Twitter account and 'break news' that explosions at White House have injured Obama - sending DOW Jones plunging 100 points
Both the DOW Jones Industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 Index plunged about 1 percent before regaining their losses

$136.5 billion of the S&P 500 index's value was momentarily wiped clean

Tweet was sent to AP's near 2 million followers and retweeted1,181 times before deleted

White House press secretary: 'The president is fine'

Group called the Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking

By Nina Golgowski PUBLISHED:12:51 EST, 23 April 2013



Here is my comment on that news:

1. Feds used to commit a crime in enemy’s name. They blamed Al Qaeda for 911 attack. This time they accuse “Syrian Electronic Army” for internet rumur.

2. Twitter is a tool they used to deliver their command.

3. It’s a order to their financial team members to buy in some stock or sell off some stock according to the result of a big terror attack. I have predicted there would be a series of bombings if I went to the library.

4. The mission was cancelled because I didn’t go to library that day. You saw that unusual mark in chart.

I am the one who used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday and I have alleged there would be big case applied on me in recent days. These two charts of financial market may have proved my allegations are very accurate.

770. Drill (5/7/2013)

I found that in most of the “terror attack” cases alleged done by the Feds, they always planned drills which were identical to the terror case to assure the success of the plot. The perpetrators – if being caught by security guards – would defend themselves as practitioners of the drill. see “688. Anti-terror drill - bizarre coincidence (9/29/2011)”. Some participants might really thought it was a drill. That was what took place in 7/7/2005 London bombing. The exercise became real bombing, the practitioners became “suiciders”. After that, the informants work for the Feds have been rattled by the fate of those four “suicide bombers”, similar trick couldn’t be used again. Tsarnaev brothers probably were told to prepare for the content of their backpack by themselves. The material might relate to a bomb – Pressure cooker; firecrackers; remote control toys….. only it was not installed into a real bomb. So they were sure they would be safe in a “drill”. What they didn’t know was their master had planted real bomb at site by someone else.

I allege Tsarnaev brothers were recruited informants of the Feds, worked as a cover up team – S.S.G.(special support group). In a big plot, the Feds used to activate a lot of S.S.G. to help the success of the plot and play the role of witness.

The style of Tsarnaev brother cell is similar to Muhammad and Malvo cell in D.C. sniper case. (The sniper killing case was created to threaten law makers to pass the bill (H. J. Res 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq in 2002. see #101 to #128. ) In these cells, Tamerlan (Muhammad in sniper case) was the leader and Dzhokhar (Malvo in sniper case) was the follower. There were pick up as sacrifice because they were minority – Muhammad cell are blacks and Tsarnaev cell are Chechens. The leader was put into death, (Tamerlan and Muhammad) because they knew more than their followers. Dzhokhar and Malvo are in jail (you can imagine what they would be)

Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as 'controlled explosion' drill by Boston bomb squad

Another official drill goes live after Texas fertilizer plant explosion
Texas explosion

April 18, 2013

Coming to light Thursday, only hours after a huge industrial explosion took out a Texas fertilizer plant, also taking out a portion of the small town of West, TX, potentially injuring or killing hundreds more, just so happens to be a little more than an hour’s drive from a huge hospital drill, coincidentally scheduled for the very same day.


The Texas fertilizer plant explosion is not a “terror attack”. What do they want for it?

There is a Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. There had been a massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I guess The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.
771. Lies from Media and government (5/14/2013)

(1) If Tsarnaev brothers’ parent were not in Russia then you wouldn’t know it was a framed case and the story government tell you will be thoroughly a different one.

Monday, 22 April 2013 18:00
Russian FSB Reportedly Contacted FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev

According to CBS, the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, but this apparently changed after his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, said they had contacted her son in an interview with Russia Today (RT).


(2) Tsarnaev brother have to be dead since this a framed case

On 4/18 Tamerlan was shot dead. Dzhokhar was arrested and was said in a serious condition.

On 4/21, Dzhokhar remains in hospital, unable to speak, was hinted might be dead any time.

“By Svea Herbst-Bayliss Reuters – Sun, Apr 21, 2013

Tsarnaev was shot in the throat and had tongue damage, said a source close to the investigation, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“We don’t know if we’ll ever be able to question the individual,” Menino told ABC’s “This Week” program. He did not elaborate.


From 4/19 to 4/23, the brothers’ parents in Russia aggressively accused it’s a framed case and believe Tamerlan still alive.

“MOTHER OF BOMBING SUSPECTS: My Sons Would Never Do This And My Older Son Is Still Alive

On 4/23, Dzhokhar now was said in fair condition.

“Boston bombing suspect cites U.S. wars as motivation, officials say
By Scott Wilson, Greg Miller and Sari Horwitz,

From his hospital bed, where he is now listed in fair condition, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has acknowledged his role in planting the explosives near the marathon finish line on April 15, the officials said. The first successful large-scale bombing in the post-Sept. 11, 2001, era, the Boston attack killed three people and wounded more than 250 others.


“Now officials claim Boston bombing suspect was NOT armed in boat showdown - despite police account of firefight and him 'shooting himself'

Officials now claim that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed as he hid in boat in Watertown

Contradicts Boston Police Commissioner's account of hour-long firefight with Tsarnaev

New York Times said M4 rifle had been found on boat

Police sources suggested Tsarnaev shot himself onboard

By Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter

, 24 April 2013


It’s not difficult to tell the difference of “armed” or “un-armed”, “fair condition” or “serious condition”, yet it took five days (4/19 to 4/24) for the government and media to correct. It looks like a secret deal has been reached between the Feds and Tsarnaev brothers’ parents (or the Russian government. )So the voice of parents was silenced. Dzhokhar’s life is held to exchange his parents’ silence. The topic of Boston bombing disappeared from media.