Lat week my company purchased 4 new trailers at a cost of 340,000K. They replaced 4 trailers that were still usable, but old. Were we wrong in the purchase, we had 4 usable trailers? On the surface this seems silly to ask, but that is the basis of the debate we are having. Cap an trade will cost, but eventually new industries will emerge to support the bill, this will take a long time. Wind, solar, geothermal, nuke all cost alot up front with no real time on when they will pay back. Think of it this way, the price of oil will continue to go up and wreak havoc on our economy in cycles not predictable for reasons not controllable, it is a commodity. The other power resources are unlimited, and yes they can be refined to be practicable, but it will take a concerted effort. As I have said before, the first nation to become oil free will write it's own ticket for the next 100 years, and it better be us. I am tired of people saying it cannot be done, or it costs too much or it's a conspiracy-this is America, we can and have done whatever we have to do so lets quit whining and get with the program