European leaders back Zelensky!!!!

Predictably, the uk prime minister ( elected with 33.7% of the vote in ancient farce of a democratic election ) has not missed the
chance to do his best churchill impression.

The fact is the uk is even less able to participate in a stand-up fight than the woeful united states which has not won a significant war since 1945, and even then, needed russia to do the heavy lifting in europe. I will admit that it performed well in the pacific theater but
needed nukes to finish the job.

The uk is a faded empire living on past glories with the vainglorious conceit of pretending that it still counts in the world's defence posture.

Ditto the rest of europe, which at the start of ww2, folded like a bad hand at poker.

One only has to remember the cowardice of the dutch troops at srebenica in the balkan war ( another nato tragedy )
to see how european troops perform under pressure. badly

comrade stalin
more lies from the dustbin of history that is modern europe

for a more balanced view detached from WarParty hackery


comrade stalin