Epstein was clearly 'suicided' by unknown persons the FBI is unwilling to investigate or expose

Not only do prisoners hate pedophiles some guards d9 also
Jeffy also had some extremely powerful friends from presidents to royalty as guest who might be inclined to want him to shut up
more conspiracy theories. lol
You know something , I worked with Prisoners murders rapist gang members and know what they and guards are capable of .
Guards are not paid all that well .
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual pay for correctional officers and jailers in the United States as of 2021 is $54,400 per year or $26.14 per hour. However, salaries can vary significantly based on factors like location, experience level, and type of facilit
Now some do pay much more and some pay less. And you have to put up with a lot. Like I said some guards hate pedophiles and rapist as they are the lowest level scum prison. It would not be unheard of for them to do something for money either .

And like I said your talking him having word leaders presidents and royalty, you really think they might not have the money and connections to have some one killed even as a favor politically.

Thats what debating is about talking about the alternatives . Like In said I think he hung him self . But when it comes to powerful people with connections that that could get something like that done , he for sure had people who would prefer he not talk.

People in protected custody that are pedophiles even celebrity's such as the Olympic docotor and the pervert who worked subway have been stabbed in prison . Even the former Gambino Mafia boss had to pay for protection .
You know something , I worked with Prisoners murders rapist gang members and know what they and guards are capable of .
Guards are not paid all that well .
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual pay for correctional officers and jailers in the United States as of 2021 is $54,400 per year or $26.14 per hour. However, salaries can vary significantly based on factors like location, experience level, and type of facilit
Now some do pay much more and some pay less. And you have to put up with a lot. Like I said some guards hate pedophiles and rapist as they are the lowest level scum prison. It would not be unheard of for them to do something for money either .

And like I said your talking him having word leaders presidents and royalty, you really think they might not have the money and connections to have some one killed even as a favor politically.

Thats what debating is about talking about the alternatives . Like In said I think he hung him self . But when it comes to powerful people with connections that that could get something like that done , he for sure had people who would prefer he not talk.

People in protected custody that are pedophiles even celebrity's such as the Olympic docotor and the pervert who worked subway have been stabbed in prison . Even the former Gambino Mafia boss had to pay for protection .
the conspiracy theory is the whole "he died because powerful people arranged his death" theory,,that you posted.
You need to have someone to reprimand first. And there seems to be no one.
That is my point. The guards did not perform their duties, allowing Epstein to allegedly kill himself, but the guards were not help responsible for their dereliction of duty. The evidence seems to indicate that the guards were not derelict in their duties but were actually following orders. There will likely never be a reliable investigation because there is ample evidence to suggest there are many important people who do not want any facts about Epstein being released to the public.
so "the right" has no media outlets or runs state governments or anything? lol
you say the dumbest things.
Leftists demonize non-liberal news outlets and their gullible followers believe everything their leftist masters tell them.

You fail to persuade that Epstein killed himself while being closely guarded in a suicide watch cell.
You fail to prove he was murdered under the same closely guarded cell. He was not in suicide watch as he had been talking to lawyers etc.
Again. You opened your conspiracy hate filled mouth and we're pinged. You are a liar. Tell god I said so.
Demonize? Lol
You snowflakes are such pansies
Bias makes a great deal of difference in what is reported and how it is reported.
You fail to prove he was murdered under the same closely guarded cell. He was not in suicide watch as he had been talking to lawyers etc.
Again. You opened your conspiracy hate filled mouth and we're pinged. You are a liar. Tell god I said so.
Nobody has proven anything. That is the whole point of the enforced secrecy surrounding the affair.