what you mean Fox is to the Right? I thought it was unbias! lol
and while the right may watch Fox so it can be told what it wants to hear, some of us watch both CNN and MSNBC and enjoy watching both sides. also I like it when the comentarors dont cry
Huffington can probably make a better guess than most of us.
As for Fox, if they were actually losing a ton of money over the issue, don't you think they would be looking to replace Beck with someone who can make money?
And for every 'John Q. Public' brand name that gets pulled for 'MORAL ISSUES' there will always be the 'Larry Flints - Penthouse' that would gladly step up and become the sole supporter of that 'Glen Beck & his insanity broadcast' time. The only problem with Mr. Flint is how do you do a commercial that won't offend everyone but the real perverts
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