Election experts are predicting millions of illegal immigrants will vote in US elections in 2024

This short resume tells the story of amac.

Political activities
AMAC describes itself as "vigorously conservative" and gained support from talk show host Glenn Beck and other conservative figures.[6] AMAC strongly opposes the Affordable Care Act (ACA)[7][8] and has pushed for its repeal.[4] In March 2014, AMAC claimed a membership of 1.1 million members, up from 40,000 in 2008, which it attributed to backlash over the ACA.

Little wonder you are attracted to it.
This short resume tells the story of amac.

Political activities
AMAC describes itself as "vigorously conservative" and gained support from talk show host Glenn Beck and other conservative figures.[6] AMAC strongly opposes the Affordable Care Act (ACA)[7][8] and has pushed for its repeal.[4] In March 2014, AMAC claimed a membership of 1.1 million members, up from 40,000 in 2008, which it attributed to backlash over the ACA.

Little wonder you are attracted to it.
Typical democrat deflection designed to keep leftist rubes ignorant.
AMAC is the loony rightwing alternative to the much larger and more useful AARP. It is true, they are shit.
Not unlike the Daily Caller.