Eight Works From Famed Artists That Sold for Less Than a Hunter Biden Painting

Since then, Forbes says, the brothers have sold off more than $100 million worth of Trump Organization real estate. That figure includes a $33 million sale of the company’s stake in a federally subsidized housing complex—a transaction Secretary of House & Urban Development Ben Carson had to approve—and a $3.2 million sale of land in the Dominican Republic last year, which Forbes called “the clearest violation of their father’s pledge to do no new foreign deals while in office.” Taxpayers cover the security costs of each business trip the pair makes—in the first two months of 2017 alone that included $97,830 for a trip to Uruguay, $53,155.25 for a trip to Vancouver, and $16,738.36 for a trip to Dubai, according to NBC News.
All you can do is laugh at the idiots who paid for it
If I had the $$ to spare, I might buy one of his canvases just because of Hunter's infamy and the possibility that he could go to prison and I might be able to resell it at a significant profit.

But, again, I really do like that painting of his, the one with flowers, that I posted.

And then, in the right moment, I might (at my discretion) tell my guest(s) the identity of the "artist."
sure, owning one of his paintings would be a piece of history in some sense. appreciation? maybe, art is a crapshoot that way

i'd pay $50 for one just for the laughs. Of course that won't get it done.
and influence peddling is a problem in government, but how do you avoid it when it involves kids? if someone wants to overpay some politician's kid and hope that buys him something, how do you stop it?
You t

Think every one is obsessed with hunter or you lol the truth causes you massive butt hurt. Hunter is selling favors not art
No not everyone is obsessed with him.
Mostly Republicans for some odd reason

And what favors has he sold? Be specific *****