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Los Angeles police dogs are racist, reported The Independent, after a 2013 report found that since 2004, the number of minority individuals bitten by police dogs had dramatically increased. And in the first six months of 2013, ”every single victim of a bite by a LASD dog was African-American or Latino,” the piece read.
Sarah Palin was blasted by PoliticusUSA when she used the word lackadaisical to describe President Obama’s tendency to lead from behind. “That’s a bit of that lackadaisical eh you know, don’t have to take responsibility,” she said on Fox News last year in reference to the president’s handling of the Edward Snowden debacle. PoliticusUSA called her comments an “ugly racist rant,” because in the 1937 book Class and Caste in a Southern Town a racist person used the term lackadaisical to describe “Negro work habits.”
The film “Lucy” is racist, a Huffington Post writer explained in a rant about women and Hollywood, because it suggests that the most evolved human being is a white woman. “See, I just can’t get right with that,” Olivia Cole wrote, and added, “How is it that in a film whose premise rests on the idea of reimagining the past, present and future, we still end up with a blonde white woman with flashing blue eyes as the stand-in for what personifies evolution and supremely fulfilled human potential?” The answer, of course, is racism.
Singer Lorde is racist, according to the blog Feministing, which points to the lyrics of her hit single “Royals” as evidence. Here are the lyrics at issue:
But every song’s like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin’ in the bathroom.
Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room,
We don’t care, we’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams.
But everybody’s like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your time piece.
The song is deeply racist, according to Feministing, because “we all know who she’s thinking about” when she mentions gold teeth, Cristal and Maybachs. “So why shit on black folks? Why shit on rappers?” the writer asks, “Why not take to task the bankers and old-money folks who actually have a hand in perpetuating and increasing wealth inequality? I’m gonna take a guess: racism.”
In addition to pretty much every other Disney movie, “Lady and the Tramp” is likely racist. As Buzzfeed reported, the film’s villains are two Siamese cats with “stereotypical Asian speech and slanted eyes.”
The “Lord of the Rings” franchise is racist, the Chicago Tribune reports. Although the piece acknowledges author J.R.R. Tolkien himself probably meant no offense, it says the representation of race in the films is problematic, because, as usual, Caucasian men are the “good guys” and other races are the “bad guys.” For example, the piece mentions Aragorn’s warning to King Theoden that Saruman is out to “destroy the world of men.” A more accurate statement, the piece says, would have been “the forces of evil have assembled an army ‘to destroy the world of civilized white men.”
In a segment of “PoliticsNation” last year, host Touré informed MSNBC’s small audience that the term “lazy” is one of those racist code words conservatives use to attack President Obama. He and Al Sharpton were discussing a portion of Fox News President Roger Ailes’ biography, in which he suggests Obama is lazy. ”[Roger Ailes is] one of the most powerful voices in the country, and he’s attacking President Obama,” Sharpton complained. Touré then explained why it’s not OK to use the term in reference to black people: “This sort of ‘lazy’ term is something we heard flung at us as black people going back to slavery,” he said, “which, of course, you know, we perceive them as being guilty of not wanting to work. Of course they didn’t want to work. They were slaves.” (RELATED: Van Jones Attacks Roger Ailes For Calling Obama Lazy)
“Law and Order” is racist, because it suggested justice should be color-blind, according to the socialist, feminist, anti-racism website Solidarity. In one episode, three black kids steal a baseball bat from three white kids. When the mother of two of the white kids urges them to get their bat back, the white kids pick a fight with the black kids, whose father ends up shooting and killing one of the white kids. In an apparently racist decision that “floored” Solidarity, the court decides the mother and father are both guilty. “Real inequalities of wealth and social power — of race and class — disappear before ‘blind justice’ that sees not black and white, not workers and professionals, but “citizens” who appear as equals in ‘the eyes of the law,’” the piece explains.
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But every song’s like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin’ in the bathroom.
Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room,
We don’t care, we’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams.
But everybody’s like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your time piece.
The song is deeply racist, according to Feministing, because “we all know who she’s thinking about” when she mentions gold teeth, Cristal and Maybachs. “So why shit on black folks? Why shit on rappers?” the writer asks, “Why not take to task the bankers and old-money folks who actually have a hand in perpetuating and increasing wealth inequality? I’m gonna take a guess: racism.”
In addition to pretty much every other Disney movie, “Lady and the Tramp” is likely racist. As Buzzfeed reported, the film’s villains are two Siamese cats with “stereotypical Asian speech and slanted eyes.”
The “Lord of the Rings” franchise is racist, the Chicago Tribune reports. Although the piece acknowledges author J.R.R. Tolkien himself probably meant no offense, it says the representation of race in the films is problematic, because, as usual, Caucasian men are the “good guys” and other races are the “bad guys.” For example, the piece mentions Aragorn’s warning to King Theoden that Saruman is out to “destroy the world of men.” A more accurate statement, the piece says, would have been “the forces of evil have assembled an army ‘to destroy the world of civilized white men.”
In a segment of “PoliticsNation” last year, host Touré informed MSNBC’s small audience that the term “lazy” is one of those racist code words conservatives use to attack President Obama. He and Al Sharpton were discussing a portion of Fox News President Roger Ailes’ biography, in which he suggests Obama is lazy. ”[Roger Ailes is] one of the most powerful voices in the country, and he’s attacking President Obama,” Sharpton complained. Touré then explained why it’s not OK to use the term in reference to black people: “This sort of ‘lazy’ term is something we heard flung at us as black people going back to slavery,” he said, “which, of course, you know, we perceive them as being guilty of not wanting to work. Of course they didn’t want to work. They were slaves.” (RELATED: Van Jones Attacks Roger Ailes For Calling Obama Lazy)
“Law and Order” is racist, because it suggested justice should be color-blind, according to the socialist, feminist, anti-racism website Solidarity. In one episode, three black kids steal a baseball bat from three white kids. When the mother of two of the white kids urges them to get their bat back, the white kids pick a fight with the black kids, whose father ends up shooting and killing one of the white kids. In an apparently racist decision that “floored” Solidarity, the court decides the mother and father are both guilty. “Real inequalities of wealth and social power — of race and class — disappear before ‘blind justice’ that sees not black and white, not workers and professionals, but “citizens” who appear as equals in ‘the eyes of the law,’” the piece explains.
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