Economic Solution

You and I have completely different views on "human suffering". I think the worst human suffering in the world has been caused by attempting to stamp out all human suffering.

The economy is not something that can be "fix" or prevented from causing problems.

What say we promise everyone a job, and promise everyone food, and promise everyone a home, and everyone health care even. Will that prevent all suffering? Perhaps in one sense, but then China had that and what was the result? 66% of the population lived under the poverty line, and the poverty line in China is 25 cents a day. But they all had food, shelter, health care, and a job. Is that how you wish to prevent human suffering?

Now, China no longer promises food to all citizens. No longer promises a home to all citizens. No longer promises a job to all citizens. Now only 3% of the population is under the poverty line.

So which way it better?

Even in this case, the changes in the Community Reinvestment Act, that drastically pushed for sub-prime loans, was for the purpose of easing "human suffering". What was the result? More human suffering than there was before, in the form of bankruptcy, foreclosure, screwed up credit reports for 7 years, not including debts they'll have to pay for years to come.

Not to mention Mark-to-Market which was to prevent Human suffering from companies like Enron. Instead they caused massive losses on the stock market the effect everyone's 401K, not to mention lost jobs from bankrupt companies.

In the end, the more we try to prevent all human suffering, the more human suffering we're going to cause.
Worship the system if you must.

I choose to respect and support the people the system is supposed to serve.

Anybody else?
Okay ... since it appears by everyone's reticence to problem-solve with me that most of you are deeply vested in the fantasy that the almighty messianic self-correcting system will bail us out and no one's going to fall off the financial cliff into an economic abyss ... then until you're all ready to join me in putting our heads together to really give this FEMA-worthy problem the recommended solution attention it truly deserves ... I too will join you in a fantasy land of my own making.

My personal solution involves translating the psyches of NBA teams into a mathematical presentation that reveals a model for choosing the winning play roughly 84% of the time over approximately 210 plays/season, a 17% improvement over the very rarely achieved top average of 67% annually over just 90 plays/season, thus allowing the bettor to bet 50% of his bankroll on every play until his bankroll extends to the stars, give these plays to every American, and let them suck all the off-shore dollars back into America, halting mortgage defaults, reducing unemployment insurance drain, restoring tax coffers, providing investment capital, ... and we're back in business.
Yes, starting tomorrow, I will use my incredible powers of psychological evaluation and apply them toward the team psyches of the National Basketball Association for the remainder of the season, providing my prognostications on a daily basis, which, of course, you will simply be able to take to the bank and make tons of money ... if, that is, you live in Las Vegas or have contacts outside of the U.S. where such an online activity is legal.

And I will keep living in my fantasy ... until you stop living in yours.

Let's see who caves first.
Tell you what, there, Chip... maybe this little video will help you understand a little more about the precipice on which you stand or, at least, the dire nature of it (it's starring Rep. Kanjorski [D-PA], by the way):

You need to start paying real close attention when the clock gets close to 2:20.

An interesting note on one blog is that a google search couldn't find anything to back up the story. That in itself is disturbing.
Worship the system if you must.

I choose to respect and support the people the system is supposed to serve.

Anybody else? ~Chip

Ah but the system IS the People...

And this oversight will be what brings the whole country down. The little working stiffs are the bricks in the foundation that holds the entire huge palace of our economy up where the rich people live. When those lower bricks start to crumble en masse...the whole place is coming down. The rich will not realize this until the rubble has settled around their feet and they're asking themselves "what the hell just happened?"..

The French Revolution. Do a little light reading tonight.

Both rich dems and GOP in Congress are so totally used to doling out pork for their rich friends and throwing token crumbs to the poor just enough to stay in their offices that the idea of doing the opposite to save the economy, their very necks, is UNFATHOMABLE to them. It's like trying to describe to a cigarette smoker that in order to stay alive they need to quite smoking. In princple they might understand the concept, but in practice...they're gonna keep packing pork until there's no more pork to pack.
Rep. Kanjorski says that the Secretary and Chairman of the Federal Reserve met with Congress on the 15th, but then goes on to mention that the event occurred on a Thursday. It would have to have been the preceding Thursday, the 11th. I have not found historicals on the money markets but the TED spread is revealing:


The rise in the TED would therefore have been due to a dramatic drop in the money supply in the money markets.
Now pay attention:


September 11th, 2001: Attacks on the World Trade Center and elsewhere.

September 11th, 2008: Massive withdrawal of funds from money markets. The Fed injects funds and resorts to shutting account access down.

September 15th, 2008: Federal Reserve Chairman and Secretary hold emergency meetings with Congress.

September 19th, 2008: President Bush announces the first bailout--I think we now know why.
Yeah, whoever "allowed" those terrorist attacks sure set a nasty ball rolling down the bowling alley. Seems they could've plead their case to Congress instead but you know...Dubya was in a big hurry for a reason to invade Iraq for oil.

How more perfect could the timing have been? At the very onset of the Bush them plenty of time to "get in and get the job done" before the dems would screw up their momentum (like they are now and Cheney is lividly pissed). Yep, it sure was perfect how it all came together on 9-11 for Dubya's fervent wishes to launch "operation oil fields" on behalf of his corporate buddies. What the heck, a few willing arab cohorts, no one at the watch when the planes set their courses for the towers...Dubya's laconic reaction while reading to which he kept doing after being told...

Did I mention that Dubya has ties to a terrorist family, the Bin Ladens?

Yes, he does.

Yes, 9-11 did bring our country to its knees. I say those responsible should be brought to trial. That might restore some of the confidence lost on 9-11. Just that alone might boost the economy a bit. Every little bit helps...
Yeah, whoever "allowed" those terrorist attacks sure set a nasty ball rolling down the bowling alley. Seems they could've plead their case to Congress instead but you know...Dubya was in a big hurry for a reason to invade Iraq for oil.

Name one field we captured? Name one shipment of oil we got for free? Name one well that is ours royalty free?

Not to mention Bush waited over a year to attack... not exactly a "hurry". Once again, lots of BS, no evidence.

How more perfect could the timing have been? At the very onset of the Bush them plenty of time to "get in and get the job done" before the dems would screw up their momentum (like they are now and Cheney is lividly pissed). Yep, it sure was perfect how it all came together on 9-11 for Dubya's fervent wishes to launch "operation oil fields" on behalf of his corporate buddies. What the heck, a few willing arab cohorts, no one at the watch when the planes set their courses for the towers...Dubya's laconic reaction while reading to which he kept doing after being told...

Dems screw it up? They voted for it. And no the Dems have not screwed up their momentum at all. Obama is following the exact plan Bush had in place. Namely that our troop levels continue to decline as we are not needed.

More over, Bush's corporate buddies, or whoever, haven't been doing too well. Looked at the stock market lately? While you ignorantly claim Bush's Arab cohorts were in on Bush going to Iraq, you miss that this makes absolutely no sense.

If... and that's a big if... we start to buy oil from Iraq, then we're not buying it from Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations. This a net loss to our oil suppliers. The last thing they would want, is for us to start buying oil from Iraq instead of them. Once again, drug addict type conspiracy theory, zero logic or evidence.

Did I mention that Dubya has ties to a terrorist family, the Bin Ladens?

Yes, he does.

So? Tons of people, including Obama, have ties to the Bin Ladens. Who cares? The Bin Ladens are a massive family, and have nothing to do with Al Qaeda or Osama. I'm sure we could find a black sheep in your family too.

Yes, 9-11 did bring our country to its knees. I say those responsible should be brought to trial. That might restore some of the confidence lost on 9-11. Just that alone might boost the economy a bit. Every little bit helps...

No, 9/11 didn't bring us to our knees. The only thing that can bring us to our knees, is the complete idiocy in the hearts and minds of the ignorant left, that make up absolutely retarded theories as to why everything happens, that have zero evidence or logic to back them up.

Stupidity will bring us to our knees more than any terrorist ever will. "BIGOIL!! *Cry cry cry*" foolishness is the doom of our country. When stupid people speak, democrats get elected. I should get a job in the oil industry :D
Goodness what a mannered rebuttal. It's hard to take you seriously really.

The facts are that Bushco's war, conveniently ushered in on the heels of 9-11, against the wrong (oil-rich) country has been the catalyst that hastened the demise of our economy...and therefore our national security.

The memos Bush wrote to his advisors begging to be allowed to invade Iraq as soon as possible, coupled with the date "9-11", an AMERICAN number that represents "alert-fear-respond" subliminal messenging... It's just all too convenient and coincidental. I'll never forget Bush's reaction while reading to those kids. Nothing, just nothing at all. Back to reading.

The key revelation: he wasn't surprised.
If he'd been in the know, you'd think that he'd have had the script down a little better, don'tcha' think? A little better playacting? A show or demonstration of "executive command", that sort of thing.
Goodness what a mannered rebuttal. It's hard to take you seriously really.[/I]
One of the problems with these discussion boards is that we accumulate bad feelings, just like family bickering (only a dysfunctional family, of course). The net result is that it's possible for the truth to be an amalgam of differing opinions, instead of only one member's thoughts.
Okay ... I gave everyone an extra day ... but it's clear no one wants to brainstorm a solution to our dire economic situation.

So, since you are all living in your fantasy that everything will just be okay for everyone ... I'll live in my fantasy that we can all get rich winning NBA bets based on my super psychological powers of analysis.

So, here it is, your first NBA pick: 2/09/09 HOU @ MIL .. take HOU against the spread.

Yes, here comes our first fantasy win -- we're all gonna be rich!
Tell you what, there, Chip... maybe this little video will help you understand a little more about the precipice on which you stand or, at least, the dire nature of it (it's starring Rep. Kanjorski [D-PA], by the way):

You need to start paying real close attention when the clock gets close to 2:20.

An interesting note on one blog is that a google search couldn't find anything to back up the story. That in itself is disturbing.

He's lying. Granted that's not a news flash for democrats, but he's lying specifically since the $250K deal wasn't enacted until Oct 3rd. Also, a massive draw down of $550 billion would have at the very least, shown up in financial news and / or Bloomberg market media outlets. Finely, to the best of my knowledge, the federal reserve does not have real time nation wide accounting of all banks. There is no possible way that the federal reserve would even know whether or not $550 billion in bank accounts had been emptied.

Even if they did, nothing in government responds that fast anyway. The federal government doesn't even have $550 Billion sitting in a warehouse somewhere to dump into the system to begin with.

This is simply a democrat attempting to overstate how important their existence is to our nation. So he invented this secret crisis that the federal reserve heroically averted. This is just another way of trying to play up that our economy is incredibly fragile (it isn't) and we really need these democrats and their bailout (we don't).

In truth, the only thing government does is screw everything up. The more they mess with it, the more messed up it becomes. It was government regulations that led to sub-prime loans. It was government control that led to the stock market going into free fall.

I'd be surprised if one could even come up with a single instance where government intervention had any positive effect ever.