Economic Indicators

Its funny how the right bitches about Debt...but never wants to pay for anything or make anyone pay even there fair share of taxes. Can't even close loopholes paying profitable companies. And how they pretend to know about Economics, but show no understanding of leverage or spending money to make money. Or that if Business does not spend...People don't spend....and then goverment also does not spend...thats actually not a good thing.
Let me ask you something..WHAT IS MY FAIR SHARE..and you won't find one conservative on this board that doesn't want to pay his or her FAIR shair..this is not a good time of year to be talking to me about my FAIR share..
Let me ask you something..WHAT IS MY FAIR SHARE..and you won't find one conservative on this board that doesn't want to pay his or her FAIR shair..this is not a good time of year to be talking to me about my FAIR share..

Thats odd because you all seem to support the rich paying a far lower percent of there income then the middle class..and I don't hear alot of calls to end tax breaks for big companies that make billions and pay next to you want the rates even lower for them...and you bitch about the poor not paying enough with fake stats...and then of course of anyone ever said to raise there taxes you would bitch about that as well. You think your fair share is a few nickels

also if you want to post your income and all your tax info maybe we could talk about a fair share...for all I know you don't even have a job so how could I tell you your fair share.
You could tax every so called rich person 100% and it still won't fix our problem. Spending. Nothing is going to help until we get the economy growing and that won't happen when you raise taxes. Infact, raising taxes slows growth.
Thats odd because you all seem to support the rich paying a far lower percent of there income then the middle class..and I don't hear alot of calls to end tax breaks for big companies that make billions and pay next to you want the rates even lower for them...and you bitch about the poor not paying enough with fake stats...and then of course of anyone ever said to raise there taxes you would bitch about that as well. You think your fair share is a few nickels

also if you want to post your income and all your tax info maybe we could talk about a fair share...for all I know you don't even have a job so how could I tell you your fair share.
I have never bitched about the poor...

fill in the blanks

250 k......................................
1 million...............................
Record 89,304,000 Americans 'Not in Labor Force' -- 296,000 Fewer Employed Since January

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.

In February Multiple Jobholders Rose By A Record, As Full-Timers Dropped, Part-Timers Increased

in February according to the Household Survey, the number of full-time jobs declined by 77K from 115,918 to 115,841. The offset: a jump in part-time workers which rose from 27,467 to 27,569, or 102K.

But the most surprising development in February from a quality standpoint was that the number of multiple job-holders rose by a massive 340K, which just happens to be a record.
The most interesting angle to employment today is there are 3,000,000 FEWER jobs in the nation since Obama was inflicted on America.

It's just--a FACT.

But---in a tradition pioneered by the Clintons--the two most evil people in American history--the lies, lies and more lies can been spun all over creation to obfuscate every single aspect of rational thinking. From economic numbers to the affair in Benghazi--they are creating a state filled with misinformation of a truly staggering dimension.

Nothing matters when countries cross this threshold.
Truth is obliterated.
Thats odd because you all seem to support the rich paying a far lower percent of there income then the middle class..and I don't hear alot of calls to end tax breaks for big companies that make billions and pay next to you want the rates even lower for them...and you bitch about the poor not paying enough with fake stats...and then of course of anyone ever said to raise there taxes you would bitch about that as well. You think your fair share is a few nickels

also if you want to post your income and all your tax info maybe we could talk about a fair share...for all I know you don't even have a job so how could I tell you your fair share.

answer the queation, whats a fair share ?

what fake numbers ? they come straight from the governmemt so if there is anything fake about them its the wrong direction.

quit changing the subject and answer