Dutch cartoonist arrested for 'insulting people

There is a world of difference between individuals making intolerant statements and a government (or local gov or university) making intolerant rules against intolerance. Hmmm? Should they arrest themselves?

I like that! The government arresting themselves. I'd like to see all of them sporting orange jump suits.
It's now 14 years later, do you still need anything but your own good sense to discern his prescient truths from back then?
Wow! You're making a point made 14 years ago. That's dedication.
So far as I know, no one has been arrested in the USA for insulting Muslims, have they?
Personally, I support the First Amendment. You?
I always had COMPLETE support for it until I began noticing how the Left treats it like Kleenex to be used as needed and then conveniently discarded or ignored.

I recently read of a 72 year old American citizen of Saudi lineage who criticized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in several Tweets over a few years, as a US Citizen, and while residing in the USA.

This fellow was arrested and given what amounts to a life sentence in prison recently while visiting relatives in the KSA. These were the charges:

"Almadi was charged with harboring a terrorist ideology, trying to destabilize the kingdom, as well as supporting and funding terrorism."


And it hit me, that if the Left disregards 1A in order to advance their totalitarian enslavement narrative, why should patriots slavishly obey the letter and spirit of the founders intent for 1A?

If we had a legal system like that of the KSA, we might completely eliminate all the Leftist corruption and riff raff in America and make it great again.